Special Education “Huddle” December 9, 2014
December 9, 2014 Special Education “Huddle” Good Morning and Welcome! We will begin the Huddle shortly. Dial in number is URL Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Special Education Data Reporting. Support at:
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you
Agenda Timeline Creating A Snapshot What’s on the horizon Staff Licensing Caseload Matches HQ FTE Calculations Defects
SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT TIMELINE (See Extended Version On-line) Due DatesWhat is Due October 1, 2014Interchanges may be submitted November 12, 2014Collection Opens November 12, 2014Staff and IEP File must be submitted * December 8, 2014Create your First Special Education December Count Snapshot December 17, % of your total record count for Staff and Student must be passed Interchange Validations January 7, 2015Complete Snapshot – Passing all Interchange & Snapshot validations January 14, 2015Complete Snapshot & Approve – send in signed Staff & Student Data Validity Certification Reports January 15, 2015 – February 3, 2015 Duplicate Process underway February 5, 2015All Final reports signed and submitted. Data Submitted to CDE 5 * Make sure special education staff has been reported
Before Creating a Special Education December Count Snapshot be sure and check that the following files were successfully uploaded and were the expected versions by checking the data uploaded Special Education IEP Child Special Education IEP Participation Staff Profile Staff Assignment Creating A Snapshot 6
Interchange Files required for the Special Education December Count were due on November 12 th Administrative Units not submitting Staff data and relying on Districts to can verify if the data has been uploaded by checking the included and excluded snapshot reports. Remember, records only make it to snapshot if they are error free at the interchange AND meet the Special Education December Count Snapshot Criteria Staff Data 7
8 SNAPSHOT CRITERIA Start date is December 1 st or prior to December 1 st of reporting school year Data from the Staff Profile Interchange will be based on the default flagging. EDID reported in both Staff Profile (demographics and educational background) and Staff Assignment Association files for reporting district. The Staff Demographics and Staff School Association file will be jointed based on the School year, the teachers EDID, the sped assignment flag = 1, the district (or Admin Unit), and the records being error free. Criteria for Special Education Student December Count snapshot. Date of Entry to Special Education is December 1st or prior to December 1st of the reporting school year. A record with a Date of Exit from Special Education prior to December 1st would not be included in the December Count. Data from the Student Enrollment Interchange will be based on the default tagging. Pull all error-free records from the Student Participation file and match them with records in the Student Profile interchange (Student Demographic file and School Association file). The Student Profile Interchange is the authoritative source for (SASID, LASID, Student’s First Name, Student’s Middle Name, Student’s Last Name, Student’s Gender, Student Date of birth, Student’s Ethnicity, Student Race American Indian, Student Race Asian, Student Race Black, Student Race White, Student’s Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Grade level). The Special Education Child file, the Special Education participation file and the Student Demographics file will be joined based on the following criteria: SASID, LASID, school year, district (or Admin Unit), and error free records. If the student is not part of a district then these fields will be pulled from the Special Education Child file. All additional fields will be pulled from the Special Education Student Participation file, except for federal race student and the ELL status, which are calculated.
Personnel Qualifications Special Education Endorsements/Educator Licensing Reporting Guidelines: Job Classifications Position Assignments Common Miscoding Scenarios Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Reporting Guidelines
Providers are required to be Fully Qualified in the Special Education December Count by holding a valid CO license on December 1 st. License must be issued with an appropriate special education endorsement for the provider’s assignment/student caseload. A provider may be employed on temporary status (per AU/district policy) in an endorsement area appropriate for the position/student caseload. Temporary status for special education providers are: SETA = Special Education Temporary Authorization (for special education teachers, special service providers, special education administrators, SLPA’s who are working toward full CO licensure) TEI = Temporary Educational Interpreter (for educational interpreters who are working toward becoming EDIA fully authorized) Licensing Requirement 10
All special education teachers must hold a valid CO license with the appropriate endorsement for the assignment and student caseload. (per IDEA and ECEA) All elementary special education teachers must meet NCLB elementary HQ requirements. Secondary special education teachers who are sole providers of content must meet NCLB HQ requirements for the subject area of assignment. Secondary teachers working with students who are working toward alternative standards must meet NCLB elementary HQ requirements. Special Education Teachers and NCLB Highly Qualified 11
All special service providers must hold a valid CO license with the appropriate endorsement for the assignment. (per IDEA and ECEA) IDEA Fully Qualified = Yes (with valid license) NCLB Highly Qualified = Not applicable All special education administrators (directors/assistant directors) must hold a valid CO license with Director of Special Education endorsement. (per IDEA and ECEA) IDEA Fully Qualified = Yes (with valid license) NCLB Highly Qualified = Not applicable Special service providers/special education administrators employed on SETA (temporary status) are not considered Fully Qualified. NOTE: Highly Qualified determinations apply only to K-12 content teachers. Qualified Status 12
Verification of current license by SSN and Date of Birth Access the CDE Educator Licensing website click “Check Credential History” you MUST have the provider’s SSN and Date of Birth Website: Educator Licensing Status Check Website 13
Verification of license and endorsement assists in determining the appropriate job classification for both: the Special Education December Count, and the Federal Application (Part B) web-based system If no license information is found using the Status Check Website: verify the SSN for accuracy (often one or two numbers have been transposed) Staff without a valid CO license on December 1st, if required for the assignment, will result in a personnel compliance citation for the Special Education December Count. Licensing Status Check Helpful Hints 14
It is the responsibility of the AU/district to verify personnel licensing status. Communicate openly with your staff about their individual license status or application process. Individual applicants may verify their own licensing status by: Logging into their E-Licensing account Checking for messages from Educator Licensing pertinent to their online application Licensure Responsibility 15
To determine the appropriate licensing/endorsement requirements for specific assignments/job classifications, refer to the Special Education Staff Qualifications resource document at: This document lists: Job Class Code Assignment Disability (student) Area of Endorsement (provider) Special Education Staff Qualifications 16
Key words tied to proper coding Instructional = staff must hold a teacher license Non-Instructional = staff must hold a special services or SPED administrator license It is very common for AUs/districts to miscode positions in instructional vs non- instructional categories. Miscoding may result in non-approval of staff positions due to inappropriate license/endorsement for the reported Job Classification. Instructional vs Non-Instructional 17
Personnel who provide services to both general and special education students are required to conduct and maintain a position Time and Effort study The AU/district reports only the hours per day attributed to servicing special education students in the Special Education December Count The district reports the hours per day attributed to servicing the general education students in regular HR Examples of these positions are: Nurses School Psychologists Social Workers Counselors Personnel Serving both GenEd and SPED Students 18
AU/district is required to report separate assignment records for personnel whose positions are: funded out of two or more fund sources have two or more assignments in which services are provided Example of multiple assignments: report one assignment record for Job Class Code 202-SPED Teacher report one assignment record for Job Class Code 330-Child Find Coordinator Remember: Time and Effort requirements! Split Funding or Multiple Assignments 19
All students reported in the Special Education IEP Participation File must include the EDID in the primary service provider field the EDID of either a: Special Education Teacher (JCC 202) (instructional not specialty teacher) or Speech-Language Pathologist (JCC 238) Primary Service Provider Field 20
The EDID of additional providers (JCC 202 or JCC 238) may also be reported in one of the secondary provider fields. Related service providers with JCC’s other than 202 or 238 may ONLY be reported in one of the secondary provider fields – Example: JCC 236, JCC 234, etc. Staff positon approval status is determined by: the license and SPED endorsement of the provider the assignment /reporting classification (JCC) of the provider accurate placement (primary service provider or secondary provider) of staff EDID’s in the Special Education IEP Participation File Student and staff (Special Education Teachers-JCC 202 and Speech/Language Pathologists JCC 238) run through the caseload match after data is finalized Primary Service Provider vs Secondary Provider Fields 21
Providers serving multiple grade levels should indicate all grade levels served. Separate assignment records are required for Infant, Pre-K, K-12 for all staff. If Job class code is 201 or 202, K-12 must be broken down further: separate assignment records are required for elementary and secondary grades Grade Case Load Match 22
Staff Caseloads ALL staff reported as Teachers (Job Class Code 202) or Speech Language Pathologists (Job Class Code 238) MUST have a student caseload (SSN must be reported in either the primary provider/service coordinator or secondary provider field of at least one student record). Two ways to report: Method A – Exact Caseload Grade Match Most accurate (preferred method) Grades selected on staff record must exactly match the grades of the individual students on the caseload Method B – By Elementary/Middle/High School Grade Range Should be used for staff who serve a particular school building Grades selected on staff record must cover the entire grade range and may not include any grades not specified in the range. 23
How is caseload being reported? EXACT caseload grade match Grades of EACH student on a teacher/SLP caseload must be marked as ‘1’ – yes on the staff detail record. ALL other grades must be marked ‘0’ – no. Teacher/SLP reported with specific grade levels of individual students
Elementary School Middle School Grades K-5 th must be marked ’1’ –yes OR Grades K-6 th must be marked ‘1’ – yes. All other grades MUST be marked ‘0’ - no High School Teacher/SLP reported by grade range Grades 6 th -8 th must be marked ’1’ –yes OR Grades 7 th -8 th must be marked ‘1’ – yes. All other grades MUST be marked ‘0’ - no Grades 9 th -12 th must be marked ’01’ –yes. All other grades MUST be marked ‘0’ - no NOTE: the grade range option may only be used if the grades within a range (elementary, middle, high school) fall within the low/high grades of the reported school building for that staff member. See slide 4.
School CodeLow GradeHigh Grade 6286K All grades reported on either student or staff records must be within the grade range assigned to the reported school code. See school building code table rgcodes rgcodes
Administrative staff who are not assigned to a specific elementary or secondary setting and who are reported with the following Job Class Codes: 102, 104 (SPED Director/Assistant Director) 320, 322, 344 (Accountant, Admin/Executive Assistant, Personnel Officer) 380, 381, 382 (Computer Technology) (Office/Administrative Support) Must be reported as: School Code = ‘9980’ – District Wide Grades K-12 = ‘1’ – Yes
A respondent with the four digit BOCES code associated with the STF group can report both regular education and special education staff as well as report districts and schools within the Administrative Unit not associated with the BOCES District Code through an exception process. See Data Pipeline Interchange Staff Additional Resources By submitting an exception you will be able to bypass ST048 We need your four digit district code, school code and why you need an exception. See the instruction tab in the exception template. STAFF EXCEPTION 28
Updated and New Rules to deal with the changes to reporting Highly Qualified Two Business Rules are being tested in QA Title I – HQ required – will get an error Non-Title I – will generate a warning Updated HQ Report testing in QA Highly Qualified 29
FTE Example John is reported with 6 hours/day and 180 contract days. His Job Class is 202 In the Data Summary Report, the mode contract days is 160 and the mode hours/day is 8 for his job class category (Instructional 201 and 202) FTE calculated by: (6*180)=1080 (8*160)=1280 =
Full Time Equivalence (FTE) is calculated individually within their job class category by: (Contract Days) x (Hours/Day) (Mode Contract Days) x (Mode Hours/Day) Each job class category has mode contract days and mode hours/day based on the submitted data at the district level Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 31
Pupil’s Attendance Information (PAI) When in doubt, us! Please remember to include the following information in your How did the student get-----(there)? Is the student on an IEP? What type of setting is the student in? How was the student placed in this setting ? Who is providing the services? Who is paying for the services?
PAI Coding Facts 34 PAI code is a 2 digit code and collected in the December Count Snapshot only. There are 2 types of PAI codes: A codes and B codes. On December Count, students part of a contractual agreement should be reported by both the AU of attendance and the AU of residence. The AU of attendance should report an A code and the AU of residence a corresponding B code. Refer to PAI code chart to determine appropriate codes to use. PLEASE PRINT AND KEEP HANDY Posted under Interchanges/Special Education IEP-Additional Resources Use an appropriate A PAI Code for a student who is ATTENDING a school/educational program within your AU. Use an appropriate B PAI Code for a student who RESIDES within your AU, but is attending a school/educational program outside your AU. The A and B codes are reciprocal, so two AUs can’t both report A codes for the same student and vice versa with B codes.
Eligible Facilities What is an Eligible Facilities Code? A unique code assigned to an eligible facility (approved on- grounds educational program) by CDE Where can I find a list of eligible facility/detention codes? Allowable Setting Codes for Eligible Facilities stateoperated stateoperated
Detention Centers Students detained on December 1 st must be reported on the December Count It is the responsibility of the Administrative Unit where the Detention Center is located to: obtain a list of all SPED students who were in the Detention Center as of December 1 st notify each student’s District of Residence (DOR) Pupils held in these centers may be included in the pupil count by the DOR if: - Pupil was in attendance in the current school year preceding the count date - Pupil has not withdrawn from the district of residence - Resident district received notification from district in which the detention center is located verifying pupil was in the center on count day Students not in attendance in the current year preceding the count date are eligible to be counted if the DOR is also the district where the detention center is located. The district where the detention center is located (DOA) may count a pupil that is not eligible to be counted by the DOR Do NOT count detention center pupils as facility placed students REFERENCE: CSBOE Rule 2254-R-5.16
Funding Status 50 – Eligible for ECEA Funding PAI Codes:01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 11, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 51 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Lapsed IEP PAI Codes: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 11, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 52 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding PAI Codes: 23, 24, 32 53 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Tuition Contract PAI Code: 12 54 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Private School PAI Codes: 14, 15, 16, 17 55 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Detained Student PAI Code: 11
Setting Codes What is a Setting Code? 3 digit code representing the major instructional setting (more than 50 % of the student’s education program) Where can I find the codes and How do I know which Setting Code to Use? tionalenvironments tionalenvironments2014 How do they relate to Allowable Eligible Facilities? Special Education December Student Allowable Setting Codes for Eligible Facilities
Educational Orphan For all students, indicate whether the student is an “educational orphan” (state statute (1)(a)(1)(b)). In order to be identified as an educational orphan, the child is one with a disability whose parental rights have been relinquished by the parent parental rights have been terminated by the court parents are incarcerated parents cannot be located parents reside out of the state and placement was made by the Department of human Services within the Administrative Unit student is legally emancipated (state statute (1)(a)(1)(b)).
Parentally Placed in Private School For all students, indicate whether the student is placed by his/her parents in a private or parochial school. If the child is attending a private school, indicate whether or not he/she is receiving services on an ISP. 34 CFR through
Provider Information Provide EDID for student’s Primary Provider/Service Coordinator EDID must be included on student records with a Job Class Code of 202 or 238 who provide either direct or indirect services For additional information, see the Personnel Training Webinar on-line
Exceptions Before requesting an exception, please double check that your data accurately reflect the circumstances of the student being reported. INSTRUCTIONS Grade to Age
A Word about Grade Level Grade Level MUST be within the grade range of the school Must match the grade level of the Primary and Secondary Provider’s grade levels reported If you get Business Rule DC132 keep in mind: The Authoritative Source for Grade Level is data from Enrollment and is pulled from School Association File when the snapshot is created. If there is a discrepancy between what is reported in the IEP File and what’s in the School Association file the District and Administrative Unit would need to work together to get the correct data in the school association file. You can see what file data fields come from by accessing the Special Education December Count File Layouts
Tips File upload verification will let you know whether upload was successful or not Make sure the file is not open when you go to upload it. If using the template, make sure to close the file AND the Excel book generated by the template before uploading. Don’t insert rows of data into the middle of the template Don’t paste in blank rows Make sure you’re using “PASTE-SPECIAL VALUES” when pasting in your data. Use right and left justify to verify your field has the correct number of characters or any extra slashes or hyphens Files NOT Processing? (Always verify under Batch Maintenance Screen) 46
ST301 (4315) Modifying to ensure only triggers for certain JCC. Move to Production DC154 (2546) Duplicate warning include the other AU. DC187 & DC188 (Bug 4266) Test in QA DC187 Message: LASID exists in Snapshot but is NOT in the SPE Child file. Please see LASID Report under Special Education December Cognos Reports for more details. Logic: LASID found in SPE SEC Snapshot for associated with a SASID but associated not in Student View. DC188 Message: LASID exists in Snapshot but is NOT in the SPE Student Participation file. Please see LASID Report under Special Education December Cognos Reports for more details. Logic: LASID found in SPE SPP Snapshot for associated with a SASID but associated not in Student View. DC102 (4292) increase age for Primary Disability from >=3 to >=2.5 SE297 (4349) add facility 0925 Business Rule Bugs 47
DC181 – New HQ rule (Bug 4191) Move to Production DC182 – New HQ rule (Bug 4192) Move to Production DC183 – New HQ rule (Bug 4193) Move to Production DC184 – New HQ rule (Bug 4194) Revisions being made in QA DC185 – New HQ rule (Bug 4195) Revisions being made in QA DC186 – New HQ rule (Bug 4196) Move to Production Error triggers for Title I and Targeted Assisted Schools Warning generated for Non Title I and Non Targeted Assisted Schools Highly Qualified Business Rule Bugs 48
Indicator 9 – Revised for Risk Ratios (Bug 3320) – Move to Production Indicator 10 – Revised for Risk Ratios (Bug 3321) – Under Development Highly Qualified Report – Testing in QA Special Education December Count Staff Detail Report Revised (4287) Under Development Special Education December Count Staff Summary Report Revised (4288) Under Development Report Bugs 49
TRAINING Special Education December Count Report Review HOLD THE DATE: December 3, 2014 from 1 pm -2:30 pm CANCELED will be rescheduled Adobe Connect web address: Call-in number:
Communication Please include the Administrative Number and District Number if applicable in the subject line along with the topic of the . Include Kristi Gleason Lindsey Heitman Orla Bolger Please be sure to include a signature line in your s including your phone number so we can get back to you quicker. If you have technical issues send an to the Special Education December Count Team and the Data Pipeline Support line at Technical Assistance 51
Kristi Gleason SPED December Count collection coordinator – SPED December Count Data Team Members: Lindsey Heitman – Orla Bolger – (out of the office until end of For technical support questions, please and remember to cc the SPED December Count data team. Special Education December Count Contact Information 52