1. auxiliary Many houses have auxiliary heaters in each bedroom to help heat up the whole house. The assistant coach was an auxiliary to the head coach during practices and games.
1. auxiliary (adj.) giving assistance or support (n.) a helper, aid
2. candid Because the politician was candid in his speech, he gained the respect of the citizens. Instead of hiding the truth, you and I should have a candid conversation about our relationship.
2. candid (adj.) frank, sincere; impartial
3. cubicle At work, I sit in my cubicle and can hear the conversations of those around me. The sleeping cubicle on the train made me feel claustrophobic.
3. cubicle (n.) a small room or compartment
4. drudgery She has many friends that can’t escape the drudgery of every day life. I need some new invention to help me with the drudgery of my chores.
4. drudgery (n.) work that is hard and tiresome
5. envoy I was asked to be an envoy to present our petition to the union. Many presidents are sent as envoys to the United Nations.
5. envoy (n.) a representative or messenger (as of a government)
6. escalate The sound of gunfire escalated the conflict. The price of gas will continue to escalate.
6. escalate (v.) to elevate; to increase in intensity
7. expedient I travelled by the simple expedient of a public train. Even though it went against his principles, he found it expedient to negotiate with the kidnappers to save his daughter.
7. expedient (n.) a means to an end; (adj.) advantageous, useful
8. feign I had to feign sickness to get out of class early. I commonly feign sleep when my Mom checks on me, then I go back on my phone.
8. feign (v.) to pretend; make believe with the intention of deceiving
9. flair The young girl had a real flair for painting. He didn’t have much of a flair for cooking, but the dinner was delicious.
9. flair (n.) a natural quality, talent, or skill; a distinctive style
10. grievous The car accident caused grievous injuries to the victims. The long-time criminal was finally put in prison for the grievous crimes he committed.
10. grievous (adj.) causing sorrow or pain; serious