Travelling Klára Košťálová, XA
Why do people travel? -a hobby, people want to see new places, the most beautiful buildings in the world, new places -we can eat unusual food, we can see many different culture of life -some people travel on bussines, political or culture reasons -travel only for recreation, fun and adventure (during holidays)
In past centuries -travelling used to be a privilege of higher social classes and gentry, people used to travel ain carriages and on horseback -travelling in the Middle Ages was very dangerous because forests were full of bandits, so people got often robbed or even killed -after the technological revolution travelling became faster, safer, more comfortable and affordable for a wider range of social classes
Means of transports a) On foot: this is the most common way of travelling. Walking is enviroment-friendly, it costs nothing, but it’s the slowest and least comfortable way of travelling b) Cycling: this way of travelling is favourite because it’s inexpensive, enviroment-friendly and it also keeps us fit. It can only be useful when we travel at shorter distances
c) by car: It’s usually fast, comfortable and sometimes it’s inexpensive. But it’s also dangerous and it’s not enviroment-friendly d) by bus: travelling by bus is definitely more enviroment-friendly than travelling by car, but it can be more expensive. It’s not very comfortable and it is as dangerous as travelling by car
e) by train: this way of travelling is usually very comfortable but it’s also quite expensive. It is the most enviroment-friendly way of mass transportation. It’s usually very safe and very fast f) by air: airplanes are statistically the safest means of transport but an air accident guarantees casualties. This way of travelling is very comfortable and it’s extremly fast. It’s very good for longer distances.
g) by ship: in Czech Republic it’s not very usul, for very long distances. Some of them are very comfortable – rooms, restaurants…
Holiday -relaxing holiday, beach holiday, spa holiday -adventure holiday – diving, hiking holiday -sightseeing tour -backpacking holiday -camping holiday -cruise holiday (ship) -honeymoon -house swap (exchange) -maternity leave, working holiday
Type of accommodation -hotel -apartment -hostel -caravan -motel -cruise ship -tent -sleep under the stars
“Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” – Roy M. Goodman