Davila Colbert Third Grade News Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri. 789 Specials F 1011 Specials- DSpecials E No specials Winter party Early Release Reading Math Friday is the Winter party and early release. There will be no lunch served. Science Dec.14, 2015 We are still working with multiplication concepts and tools. Tomorrow we will complete a multiplication quiz and Thursday everyone will complete the times 2 fact drill. No homework this week. Writing We are finishing simple machines by making a flip book with examples and definitions. SS- We are comparing and contrasting Daniel Boone with Juan de Onate. We are reading persuasive writing. Specials G We are reviewing combining sentences and creating quality sentences.
Dear Parents, Shhhhh!!! We are busy planning a surprise for our custodians and cafeteria workers! We would like to show our custodians and cafeteria workers how much we appreciate them taking care of us and the building each day. We will be collecting dollar donations (one dollar per student) to purchase gift cards for them. All dollar donations can be brought in between Monday, December 14 through Wednesday, December 16 th and dropped off in the wrapped present (box) in the front office. Thank you so much for helping us make our custodians and cafeteria workers feel special during this holiday season.
LSE Science Fair Survival Guide What? Lakeshore Elementary Science Fair When? Thursday, February 18, 2016 (All project boards are due on Wednesday, February 17, Late projects will be displayed, but will not be entered for judging) Who? Any LSE student (grades K-5) are invited and encouraged to participate. How? A good science fair project answers a question through some type of experimentation. Students should come up with a question that is of interest to them and predict what they think the outcome will be (i.e. hypotheses). They then plan an experiment that will test their hypothesis. Demonstrations and reports generally do not make good science fair projects. The project should follow the steps of the Scientific Method. Students should take care to explain their hypothesis and conclusion. Tell why the experiment happened the way that it did. For example: When stating the hypothesis, be sure to use the word “because…” This forces a better answer because the student must explain their thinking. Students are to display their project on a heavy-duty tri-fold presentation board that can stand freely on a table. These boards are easily found at Wal-Mart, office supply stores, or craft stores. Students may display other components of their experiment as long as it fits inside the area of their project board. (See rules below). Project boards should be neatly decorated and clearly display all of the steps of the Scientific Method. Students are highly encouraged to use photographs of the actual experiment to display on their board. Students should NOT plan to perform their experiment for the judges on the day of judging. Instead, they should be prepared to explain their work. Pictures are a great way to help show student work. Students must keep a science journal which should include everything that they do to complete their project from brainstorming to making a plan to observing and recording data to making their conclusion. This log book can be as simple as a spiral notebook and does NOT need to be typed or rewritten. Students should have their science journal with their display on the day of the fair. Points will be deducted if a science journal is not present on the day of judging.
Keep in mind that repeated tests and multiple samples increase validity. For example, if an experiment is done on plants, use many plants since seeds are variable. Repeat trials whenever possible. Display results in a graph or chart. While parental supervision is encouraged, students should pick a project that they can easily complete themselves. Parents….be their lab assistant! Help them manage supplies, offer a hand when needed, and take lots of pictures!! No parents will be allowed to be present while judging is taking place. Planning ahead is critical for a successful (and less stressful) outcome. Please keep in mind that completing the experiment only means that you are halfway through the project. Leave plenty of time to create the display board neatly. Awards will be given at each grade level for 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place. Best of Show will be awarded to the top 3 projects in the entire school. All students will receive awards for participation. The top three projects in each grade level (K-5) will be invited to participate in the District Elementary Science Fair on Saturday, April 9, More details to come. A few rules to keep in mind: No uncontained liquids. No unnecessary glass. Use plastic if possible. No hazardous chemicals or equipment. If power tools of any kind are needed to complete the experiment, adult supervision is required at all times. Plants are OK…..be sure to use multiple samples. Live animals must be treated with extreme care. “No animals should be subjected to any procedure or condition (intentional or negligent) which results in pain, discomfort, abnormal behavior, injury or death.” All science fair animals must have the following basic needs met: – Appropriate and comfortable living quarters – Adequate food and water – Cleanliness – Humane treatment – Exercise when required 7. Animals may NOT be displayed on the day of the fair. Take pictures instead! 8. Live bacteria may NOT be brought to school for display. Need Help? Please refer to the Humble ISD Science fair website for many helpful tips… The internet has many helpful websites…Just Google “Science Fair Projects.”