Utilizing Response Clickers for: Pre and Post Tests Data Collection Intervention Re-teaching
You can use the clickers for any subject, but I chose to use them for a SCIENCE unit.
IMPORTANT NOTE… I am on summer break, and the Response Clickers and Turning Point software are back at my school. I was not able to gain access to these materials, so the assessment example is not exactly how it would appear when opened with Turning Point. The correct answer indicator, timer, and bar graph feature would need to be added by using the Turning Point software. The following slides will include the actual questions and answer choices that would be used for the assessment.
Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: display their knowledge of the given topic before being presented with the learning material. display their knowledge of the given topic after being presented with the learning material. Areas of strength will be identified Areas of weakness will be identified
RESPONSE CLICKER RULES: Be sure you have your assigned clicker. Wait for polling to open (indicated by a green light on the screen) before selecting an answer. Treat the clicker with respect and handle carefully. Only push buttons that correspond with answer choices.
BODY SYSTEMS Clicker Assessment
1.The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine all are part of which body system? A. The circulatory system B. The digestive system C. The endocrine system D. The respiratory system
2.The adult skeleton has how many bones? A. 110 B. 300 C. 240 D. 206
3.What is the function of the skeletal system? A. To help you breathe B. To protect your vital organs C. To give you shape D. Both B and C
4.What is the difference between voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles? A. You control involuntary muscles, but do not control voluntary muscles B. You control voluntary muscles, but do not control involuntary muscles
5.Your respiratory system allows you to breathe in ______ and get rid of carbon dioxide. A. carbon monoxide B. minerals C. oxygen D. nutrients
6.The circulatory system includes the ______,______, and _____. A. heat, veins, and capillaries B. lungs, trachea, and nasal passage C. stomach, mouth, and esophagus D. None of the above
7.What is the job of the excretory system? A. To rid your body of waste B. To protect your vital organs C. To give you shape D. To break down food
8.The spinal cord is part of which system? A. Digestive B. Endocrine C. Nervous D. Skeletal
9.Which system breaks down food? A. Digestive B. Endocrine C. Nervous D. Skeletal
10. Which systems works with the skeletal system to control movement of the body? A. Digestive B. Endocrine C. Nervous D. Muscular
11.The endocrine system includes the____, ______, and ______. A. lungs, trachea, and diaphragm B. mouth, esophagus, and stomach C. pituitary gland, thyroid, and adrenal glands D. veins, capillaries, and heart
12.The spinal cord is part of which system? A. Digestive B. Endocrine C. Nervous D. Skeletal
13.The ______system produces hormones. A. Digestive B. Endocrine C. Nervous D. Skeletal
14.The “information highway” for the body is the________? A. skeleton B. heart C. lungs D. spinal cord
15. A collection of tissues make up an_______. A. organ B. cell C. nerve D. vein
16. How can you protect your skeletal system? A. Wear protective gear when playing sports B. Avoid healthy foods with calcium C. Do not wear a helmet when riding a bike
17. How can you protect your nervous system? A. Eat junk food B. Avoid protective gear when working with chemicals or open flames C. Avoid drugs and alcohol D. Never stretch before exercise
18. How can you protect your muscular system? A. Eat junk food B. Avoid protective gear when working with chemicals or open flames C. Use drugs and alcohol D. Stretch before exercise
19. How can you protect your respiratory system? A. Eat junk food B. Avoid protective gear when working with chemicals or open flames C. Avoid drugs and alcohol D. Never stretch before exercise
20. What do veins do? A. Return blood from the organs to the heart B. Protect the brain C. Send messages throughout the body D. Take in oxygen
GREAT JOB! Return your clickers to the correct storage pouch.
After the Pre Test… -The teacher uses the Turning Point Program to prepare a class report for the Pre Test. -The teacher prints out the report and analyzes the results. *The report gives a % grade for each student (identified by the corresponding clicker number), and also provides student results for each individual question. -By utilizing the test results, the teacher can spend more or less time on instruction of certain aspects of the science unit depending on student performance. -The teacher spends the next several days/weeks teaching the science unit. -After all material has been taught, the teacher reviews for the unit test by giving students the Post Test. -For the Post Test, the teacher repeats the procedure from the Pre Test (The same test is given for the Pre and Post Test). -If there are misconceptions that the teacher identifies by reviewing the bar graph data, the teacher can intervene and further explain the questions and correct answers.
After the PostTest… After the POST TEST: -The teacher uses the Turning Point Program to prepare a class report for the PostTest. -The teacher prints out the report and analyzes the results. *The report gives a % grade for each student (identified by the corresponding clicker number), and also provides student results for each individual question. -The teacher fills out the Assessment Report form (see attached) for each student. -The report is sent home for parent review. -By utilizing the test results, the teacher can decide if the students are ready to take the final test (paper and pencil), or if they need for time for review. -Since the report gives the results of each individual question, the teacher is able to pinpoint areas or weakness for the class or for individual students. -The teacher can decide if re-teaching of certain material is necessary. - Since the report gives the results of each individual student, the teacher is able to identify which students need extra help, and can plan interventions accordingly. -Once the teacher decides the class is ready for the final assessment, the paper and pencil test is given.
BENEFITS OF RESPONSE CLICKERS VS. PAPER/PENCIL ASSESSMENTS: -Having the digital assessment saves money since paper/pencil assessments must be printed. -The results of the digital assessment are instant for teacher and students. You do not have the wait time that you do with paper/pencil assessments. -With the Response Clickers, interventions can take place on the spot since the teacher is given feedback as each question is answered (when using the bar graph feature). -Because the Response Clicker questions are timed, students are kept on track and adequately paced. With paper/pencil assessments, students fly through to finish quickly, while others get sidetracked and move too slowly.