Definition CODE رمز قانون شفرة نظام شريعة مصطلح مجموعة قوانين ناموس دستور CONDUCT إدارة مزاولة سلوك قيادة السيرة التصرف CODE OF CONDUCT نظام المزاولة 3 CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB
4 o Code of Conduct: Is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual, party or organization. Principles, values, standards, or rules of behavior that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organization Definition
o Medical Code of Conduct: Is a set of rules and legislations that regulate the work of practitioners, the violation of which imposes consequent penalties. It serves as a cultural compass for staff, management, vendors, volunteers and others who interact with the medical field. 5 CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB
Code of Ethics CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 6 Set of guidelines which are designed to set out acceptable behavior for members of a particular group, association or profession. What's the difference between a code of ethics and a code of conduct?
CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 7 code of ethics Fundamental principlesMore generalContain fewer principlesExpressed in terms of 'ought' or shouldDirected to all persons affected Provide general guidance when Code of Conduct is unclear Code of Conduct Outline specific practices and behaviorsMore specific guidance Delineate the consequences of violations Expressed in terms of “must”Directed to specific group Consistent with the primary Code of Ethics Difference between code of ethics and code of conduct
Examples Oath of Hippocrates Health Profession Practice Regulations ( نظام مزاولة المهن الصحية ) CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 8
ACCOUNTABILITY يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى ” وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَى “ فاطر, الآية : 18 قال رسولَ اللهِ صلى اللهُ عليه وسلم “ كلُّكم راعٍ ومسؤولٌ عن رعيتِه،.. الحديث “ رواه البخاري. CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 10
ACCOUNTABILITY The obligation of one party to provide a justification and to be held responsible for its actions by another interested party. CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 11
ACCOUNTABILITY Accountable for what? Decisions and not to decide Actions and not to act (omission) Write and not to write Say and not to say Do or Not to do! Example… CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 12
ACCOUNTABILITY الفرع الثالث المسؤولية التأديبية ٦ المادة الحادية والثلاثون : مع عدم الإخلال بأحكام المسؤولية الجزائية أو المدنية، يكون الممارس الصحي محلاً للمساءلة التأديبية، إذا أخل بأحد واجباته المنصوص عليها في هذا النظام، أو خالف أصول مهنته، أو كان في تصرفه ما يعد خروجاً على مقتضيات مهنته أو آدابها. ” نظام مزاولة المهن الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية “ CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 13
Advocacy Advocacy: active support of an idea Health advocacy: is speaking, acting or writing with minimal conflict of interest to support a health consumer or group’s wellbeing, and to promote, protect and defend their right to accessible, safe, quality healthcare. Health advocacy can be undertaken by the consumer themselves, or by an independent advocate loyally representing the individual or group’s perceived interests CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 14
Advocacy Individual advocacy: Referred to as patient advocacy. It involves supporting and promoting the rights and interests of individuals, assisting individuals to achieve or maintain their rights and empowering and representing their needs. Systemic advocacy: Seeks to introduce, influence or produce positive long-term changes to attitudes, systems, policies and procedures, to remove barriers, address discriminatory practices and to ensure the collective rights and interests of health consumers are attained and upheld. CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 15
Alertness Alertness is the state of paying close and continuous attention, being watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency, or being quick to perceive and act. المادة السادسة والعشرون : التزام الممارس الصحي الخاضع لأحكام هذا النظام هو التزام ببذل عناية يقظة تتفق مع الأصول العلمية المتعارف عليها يعرف الخطأ الطبي من الناحية القانونية بأنه إخلاله بواجبات الحيطة والحذر واليقظة التي يفرضها القانون وواجبات المهنة على الطبيب ” نظام مزاولة المهن الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية “ CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 16
Awareness Is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as a human's or an animal's perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. المادة السابعة والعشرون : ويعد من قبيل الخطأ المهني الصحي ما يأتي : (2) الجهل بأمور فنيه يفترض فيمن كان في مثل تخصصه الإلمام بها ” نظام مزاولة المهن الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية “ CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 17
Consideration It is anything of value promised to another when making a contract. It can take the form of money, physical objects, services, promised actions, and much more. CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 18
Co-operation Cooperation or co-operation is the process of working or acting together المادة (44): يجب أن تقوم العلاقات بين الممارس الصحي وغيرة من الممارسين الصحيين على أساس من التعاون والثقة المتبادلة ” نظام مزاولة المهن الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية “ CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 19
Commercial and financial aspects Objectives: Describe Charging fees Over investigation Fee in prescribing the drugs Low cost drugs Discuss Medical errors Malpractices and negligence Identify Medical benefits and health insurance and its misuse CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 20
Physician's charges The physician may obtain fair charges against the medical examination and treatment of a patient but: – Not permissible to obtain excessive charges – Not permissible to practice pressure upon the patient to pay more – Not permissible to subject the patient to further medical examinations, tests or any other medical procedures for increasing the charges, and without medical justification. – Its prohibited to take or give financial commissions or other benefits when the physician refers his patients or referred to him. If he has financial or commercial interests with the parties or institutions providing health care or with any pharmaceutical or medical equipment company, such interests must not affect the prescriptions he issues or the system of referrals. However, he should inform the patient in all cases CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 21
Prescribing the drugs Should not favor a medicine of a particular company without evident justification such as – The quality of the product – Its cheap price compared with similar products in quality – Non-availability at the time needed Not Because: – It has financed some of his scientific activities CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 22
Commercial and financial aspects Objectives: Describe Charging fees Over investigation Fee in prescribing the drugs Low cost drugs Discuss Medical errors Malpractices and negligence Identify Medical benefits and health insurance and its misuse CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 23
Medical errors Error: The failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim Medical Errors: Errors or mistakes committed by health professionals which result in harm to the patient. CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 24
Medical errors In U.S. A 2000 Institute of Medicine report estimated that medical errors each year result in: 44, ,000 preventable deaths 1,000,000 excess injuries CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 25
Medical errors They include errors in: Diagnosis Administration of drugs and other medications Surgical procedures, and other types of therapy The use of equipment The interpretation of laboratory and radiological findings. CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 26
Medical errors Causes may include: inexperienced physicians new procedures complex or urgent care Poor communication improper documentation illegible handwriting inadequate nurse-to-patient ratios similarly named medications Patient actions CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 27
Malpractice Medical malpractice is negligence or criminal intent from a professional health care provider either through direct actions or omission Medical errors are differentiated from MALPRACTICE in that the former are regarded as honest mistakes or accidents while the latter is the result of negligence, reprehensible ignorance, or criminal intent CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 29
Commercial and financial aspects Objectives: Describe Charging fees Over investigation Fee in prescribing the drugs Low cost drugs Discuss Medical errors Malpractices and negligence Identify Medical benefits and health insurance and its misuse CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 30
Health insurance المادة الأولى : يهدف هذا النظام إلى توفير الرعاية الصحية وتنظيمها لجميع المقيمين غير السعوديين في المملكة، ويجوز تطبيقه على المواطنين وغيرهم بقرار من مجلس الوزراء. ” نظام الضمان الصحي التعاوني “ CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 31
Health insurance المادة السابعة : تغطي وثيقة الضمان الصحي التعاوني الخدمات الصحية الأساسية الآتية : أ - الكشف الطبي، والعلاج في العيادات، والأدوية. ب - الإجراءات الوقائية مثل : التطعيمات، ورعاية الأمومة، والطفولة. ج - الفحوصات المخبرية والشعاعية التي تتطلبها الحالة. د - الإقامة والعلاج في المستشفيات بما في ذلك الولادة والعمليات. هـ - معالجة أمراض الأسنان واللثة، ما عدا التقويم والأطقم الصناعية. ” نظام الضمان الصحي التعاوني “ CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 32
Health insurance misuse The misuse of health insurance coverage, are pushing up the costs of insurance premiums in the UAE by nearly 20 per cent The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that $1 out of every $7 spent on Medicare is lost to fraud and abuse CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 33
Health insurance misuse Examples: Billing for services that are not rendered or double billing Over-prescription for medicines Unnecessary tests Billing separately for procedures that normally are covered by a single fee. Charging for a more complex service than was performed CODE OF CONDUCT : DR. KHALID ALABDULWAHHAB 34