Propaganda Types, Definitions and Examples.
Definition of Propaganda The form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitudes of the audience or community toward some cause or position by presenting one side of the argument.
Bandwagon Definition : The reasoning that “everyone is doing it,” or everyone else uses a certain product. Example : “Thousands of allergy sufferers use Sneeze- Free.” “Everyone else drinks Coke, so you should too.”
Either/Or (Black/White) Fallacy Definition: The misconception that either you are a part of one thing or the other(there is no middle point). Example: “Either you drink this product or you’ll look fat forever.”
Broad Generalization Definition: A simplified statement that applies to a whole group of people. Example: “All people will love wearing our comfortable, sporty shoes.”
Loaded Language Definition: Powerful words that carry deep meanings with them. Example: “These New and Improved, All Natural energy bars will make you feel young again.”
Snob Appeal Definition: Charming based on wanting to be the best. Example: “Only the best people fly our airlines.”
Hidden Message Definition: Pictures of words that suggest an idea without stating it directly. Example: “A photo of an Olympic runner, suggesting you’ll be a winner if you buy a certain brand of sneakers.”
Testimonial Definition: The personal story of a celebrity or person not directly related to the issue. Example: “Justin Bieber drinks milk every day to make him strong.”