Assessment schedule Assessment tasksDue date Weighting (%) Assessment Task 1: 1a) leader’s discussion paper in LEO forum (1000 words) 1b) Responses to leader’s discussion paper and module activities (500 words) Weeks 3-11 (see schedule on LEO) 30% (1a 20%; 1b 10%) Assessment Task 2: Analytical and critical discussion essay on relationship between learning language and culture – and the impact of this on the teaching of English as a global language (2000 words) Week 10 Tuesday October 7 th by 5pm 35% Assessment Task 3: Design/selection and evaluation of resources for teaching EAL/D (2000 words) Friday 7 th November by 5pm 35%
Extensions No extensions for module activities so plan ahead! Any other extensions – send Trish an with the ACU extension form (from the ACU website). Do not simply Trish – send me the form too. Extensions must be received BEFORE the due date If you are a discussion leader and if you anticipate a problem… Trish before it’s a crisis.
WeekContentAssessment tasks 1 July 28 Module 1 Culture encoded in language - sociocultural influences on language including: registers, dialects, standard, regional and individual varieties of language - intercultural and cross cultural communication Assessment Task 1 due from weeks 1-11 (module activities and leader’s discussion papers) Module 1 activities due by Sunday August 10 2 Aug 4 3 Aug 11 Module 2 English as a global language - the information (ICT) revolution, English and the world wide web - varieties of English across the globe Leader’s discussion paper 1 posted by Friday 15 th August. Module 2 activities due by Sunday 24 th August 4 Aug 18 5 Aug 25 Module 3 Relationships between language and power and ideology - issues of culture, ethnicity, class and gender - concepts of critical literacy and multi-literacies Leader’s discussion paper 2 posted by Friday 29 th August. Module 3 activities due by Sunday 7 th September. 6Sept 1 7 Sept 8 Module 4 Relationships between language and power and ideology (continued) - focus on Australia Leader’s discussion paper 3 posted by Friday 12 th September. Module 4 activities due by Sunday 19th September. 8 Sept 15 9 Sept 22 Assessment task preparation Recess 10 Oct 6 Module 5 Linguistically and culturally appropriate resources for teaching English - principles for selection/design of resources - evaluation of digital and other multimodal resources Assessment task 2 due: Tuesday October 7. Leader’s discussion paper 4 due by Monday 13th October Module activities due by Sun 19 th October. 11 Oct Oct 20 Assessment task preparation Oct 27 Exam Nov 3 Assessment task 3 due: Friday 7 th November
Expectations Read the readings, participate in activities and discussions in LEO – at least once a week; several times during a module Plan and be organised Complete all assessment tasks and achieve an overall pass grade
How to access the module activities and participate in a forum screenshot
Where to start… Watch the videos Forum Introduce yourself to your fellow-students
Hi I’m Trish. I am a lecturer now, but I have been… a high school Music teacher, a curriculum co-ordinator, a middle school English teacher, a literacy consultant, a marketing manager, conference organiser and I even worked in advertising for a while. I was born in Papua New Guinea. My parents are Australian and speak English at home, but they both speak a bit of pidgin. I moved to Australia when I was a baby and my first language is English. I learnt Japanese at university and I’ve been there lots of times, and I lived in Japan for a while and I taught English there (badly, I’m afraid). I have also lived in New Zealand and Singapore. I have a broad Australian accent due to my upbringing in Sydney’s western suburbs. I speak Japanese and a bit of travel and music Italian, and I’m about to start learning Spanish. As we say in Japanese: Yoroshiku onegai shimasu (nice to meet you).
Where to start… Get your diary out and record the deadlines Watch the videos Forum Introduce yourself to your fellow-students Find the readings for Module 1…. through the ACU library website/ full citations in the unit outline. Make sure you have the compulsory ACARA document. Now you can do Activity 2…
EVERY WEEK Check your ACU Check the announcements Check your deadlines