Corrosion prediction Understanding the effect of the corrosion environment Aqueous Process Simulations, Inc. AJ Gerbino Pat McKenzie 2015
Agenda Introductions Participants OLI and AQSim Corrosion technology overview Using the Corrosion Analyzer
Introductions Name Title / role in company Background Special interests?
Who is OLI? A Technology Company Core competencies Electrolyte thermodynamics Process simulation Aqueous corrosion science Products Software Consulting services Model development Data development
Meet AQSim OLI Sales Partner MISSION To help clients understand and solve water chemistry issues OLI applications consulting OLI sales OLI training Business Development Directors for OLI USA and Europe offices Using OLI technology
OLI line of products Flowsheet software OLI Engine in Alliance Partner products OLI-only thermodynamics Original ESP (powerful but dated UI) Flowsheet: ESP (1Q 2016) OLI Studio software Stream Analyzer ScaleChem Corrosion Analyzer (focus for today)
Why Corrosion Analyzer? Gain insights into Corrosion mechanisms Rate-limiting partial processes for your operating conditions Screen effects Process and materials changes Other mitigation measures Confirm supplier recommendations Save lab time Reduce risky plant/field testing Proactively manage design, operation, and maintenance
Why OLI? Aqueous thermodynamic experts with over 44 years experience with electrolyte behavior Corrosion scientists who have studied the mechanisms of aqueous corrosion for over 18 year Process simulation experts who can model physical processes using chemistry and mathematics Simulation provides a model for “what-if” studies
Material courtesy of Dr. Andre Anderko, OLI Systems, Inc. Prediction basis Material courtesy of Dr. Andre Anderko, OLI Systems, Inc.
OLI’s corrosion prediction basis Localized corrosion Special circumstances of fabricated components Corrosion vs repassivation potential Modeling local corrosion Polarization curves Modeling general corrosion Movement through bulk solution Transport properties Corrosion Thermodynamics Pourbaix diagrams Solution Thermodynamics OLI’s speciation Structure of corrosion prediction technology
Corrosion prediction: thermodynamics Solution thermodynamics How ions partition between phases Corrosion thermodynamics The half reactions of a system that are used to create Pourbaix diagrams
Corrosion prediction: transport Transport properties An OLI-developed framework to calculate diffusivity, conductivity and viscosity at high salinities and conditions
Corrosion prediction: kinetics General corrosion kinetics models to predict ion diffusion to and from corroding surface anodic and cathodic surface reactions flow effects on diffusion layer Next step: Finish the database 100 chemicals and 20 alloys
Corrosion prediction: localized corrosion Localized corrosion models to predict Corrosion potential Passivation potential Next step: Finish the database Field trial at DuPont (Johnsonville, TN) complete (2003)
Selected validation graphs Material courtesy of OLI Systems, Inc.
Corrosion vs. PCO2 and T Data from C. de Waard, D.E. Milliams, Corrosion, 1975, 31, 177-181
Corrosion vs. pH and Flow A. Dugstad; L. Lunde, Corrosion/94, paper 14
Corrosion vs. Flow and T A. Dugstad; L. Lunde, Corrosion/94, paper 14
Corrosion vs. PCO2 and Flow A. Dugstad; L. Lunde, Corrosion/94, paper 14
Corrosion vs. T and brine type A. Ikeda, M. Ueda, S. Mukai, Advances in CO2 Corrosion, vol. 1 (1984), p. 39-51. K. Satoh, K. Yamamoto, N. Kagawa, Advances in CO2 Corrosion, vol. 1 (1984), p. 151-162
Corrosion vs. T and O2
Corrosion vs. H2S Sangita and Srinivisan, Prediction and Assesment of Corrosivity of Multiphase CO2/H2S Environments (2000)
Corrosion vs. H2S Sangita and Srinivisan, Prediction and Assesment of Corrosivity of Multiphase CO2/H2S Environments (2000)
Corrosion vs. H2S N. Sridhar et al., PRCI report PR-15-9712 (1998) E.C. Greco, W.B. Wright, Corrosion, 1962, 18, 119t-124t
Acetic Acid Corrosion B. Hedges, L. McVeigh, Corrosion/99, paper 21 M.W. Joosten, J. Kolts, J.W. Hembree, M. Achour, Corrosion/2002
Acetic Acid Corrosion M.M. Singh, A. Gupta, Corrosion, 56 (2000) 371 D. Abayarathna, A. Naraghi, Corrosion/02, paper 2291
Scope: Chemistry Solution and corrosion thermodynamics (stability diagrams) The entire scope of OLI chemistry – approx 6,000 species All contact surfaces and alloys Corrosion kinetics (rates of corrosion) Chemistry (development ongoing) A subset of many common chemistries, including CO2-H2S corrosion
Scope: Alloys Alloys Carbon steel Stainless steels 13% Cr (type 410), 304, 316, 254SMO, 2205 duplex Aluminum Nickel-base alloys C-22, C-276, 625, 825, 600, 690 and Ni Copper-base alloys Cu, CuNi9010, CuNi7030 Scheduled Alloys (development ongoing) Super 13Cr, Super 15Cr, 2507 duplex Alloy 2535, Alloy 28, Alloy 29
Corrosion Analyzer orientation
Next steps Training Evaluation copies Building turnkey applications Application building advice Thanks for your attention!