Alligator Clip Electrodes These electrodes are wires with alligator clips on the end. They're not recommended for use directly on the skin, because they have strong springs and teeth. They can be applied to the flat ended sounds for electrical stimulation, or clamped on to any metal object.any metal object
Folsom and Erostek Bannana to Pins Adapters - 1 Pair These adapters fit over the banana leads of Folsom or Erostek power units and turn them to pins. Needed for use with tens pads or our vaginal poker accessory.vaginal poker accessory
Folsom and Erostek In-Line Adapter European made Rimba toys have smaller plugs than our American made boxes. This in-line adapter will allow you to use Rimba Accessories with the Folsom or Erostek electrostim units. You will need an adapter for each plug on the accessory that you plug into the base unit. This adapter Converts the 2.5mm plug to a 3.5mm plug2.5mm plug to a 3.5mm plug
Inline Adapters - 1 Pair Connects Folsom To Zeus Electrosex and Rimba or Tens Unit Accessories These adapters are sold in pairs. Used to connect Folsom accessories or Banana jack style accessories with Rimba and Zeus Electrosex Units or Tens Units. Accessories below will also require this adapter to work with Rimba and Zeus Electrosex Units or Tens Unit.Electrosex Units or Tens Unit.