AB c CEBAF Hall D ASIC Needs in Nuclear Science T. Ludlam Brookhaven National Lab 1 RHIC.


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Presentation transcript:

AB c CEBAF Hall D ASIC Needs in Nuclear Science T. Ludlam Brookhaven National Lab 1 RHIC

Major U.S. Nuclear Physics Facilities RHIC High Energy Colliding Beams 255 GeV polarized proton beams 100 GeV/n nuclear beams: d, Cu, Au, U pp equiv. L = 2x10 32 cm -2 sec MHz beam crossing rate CEBAF (JLab) 12 GeV upgrade construction in progress CW, polarized electron beam Large acceptance, high-rate spectrometers Principal experiments: PHENIX, STARPhysics Time Frame: now ~2020 CLAS12 (Hall B) 11 GeV electrons, L = cm -2 sec -1 GLUEX (Hall D) GeV tagged photons, 10 8 sec -1 Physics Time Frame: beginning ~2017 Electron Ion Collider Machine designs at BNL (eRHIC) and JLab (ELIC) Electron beams 5-10 GeV Proton beams to 250 GeV Nuclear beams to 100 GeV/n Luminosity ~ cm -2 sec -1 Detector designs in very early stage Physics Time Frame: beginning mid-2020s 2

PHENIX at RHIC: among the pioneers in using ASICs 3

Two Generations of PHENIX ASICs First ( ) and second (2011-present) generation of electronics for selective triggers in p+p and recording large fraction of minimum bias events in A+A collisions. Front end analog or digital pipelines (live on every 106 ns crossing) Buffering of 4 full events in front end Gigabit/s optical transmission of data to zero suppress engines (first generation DSP, second generation FPGA) Selective triggers designed in FPGA 4 Level 1 accept starts 12 bit digitization using Oak Ridge designed AMUADC-32 ASIC 64 cell analog memory live on every crossing Custom preamp ASIC’s in front of AMUADC provide TAC and trigger capabilities Initial PHENIX construction had 8 ASIC applications EMCAL, RICH, Muon Tracker CSC’s sample on every crossing in AMU Pad Chamber used preamp developed at Oak Ridge (TGLD) and DMU developed at Lund Thin (0.2X 0 ) 48 channel ROC behind chambers with noise ~900e - Many other detector systems and electronics described in RHIC NIM papersRHIC NIM papers

Second Generation PHENIX Electronics Two major new silicon vertex trackers Barrel detector: 2 inner layers of Si pixels 2 layers of strip-pixel detectors read out with Fermilab’s SVX4 ASIC Four-plane endcaps: Read out with Fermilab FPHX ASIC (modified) Barrel pixel readout: Based on ALICE ITS design 50x425  m pixels CERN ASIC designs 5

Future PHENIX: sPHENIX A major upgrade is proposed to replace the central region of the PHENIX detector with a superconducting solenoid and compact barrel electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, read out with SiPMs (MPPCs) The present plan calls for off-the-shelf MHz FADC for ~30,000 channels. But ASICs may be needed, matched to the SiPM design. 6

STAR at RHIC: ASICs in Upgrades TPC: tracking and dE/dx MRPC Time of Flight Barrel Heavy Flavor Tracker: MAPS pixels + Si strip layers 7 Forward GEM Tracker

ASICs in STAR Upgrades DAQ1000 Upgraded STAR TPC electronics (135,000 channels) and DAQ chain to increase event rate limit from ~100Hz (100% dead time) to 1KHz with 1% dead time. Utilized CERN ASIC chips developed for ALICE: “PASA” pre-amp/shaper “ALTRO” signal processing, digitizing, event buffering MRPC Time-of-Flight readout Utilized CERN/ALICE “NINO” chip for analog readout of MRPC modules to digitizer. 8 Forward GEM Tracker Six disks of triple-GEM detectors with pad readout. Uses APV25 chips developed for CMS. 37,000 channels

9 STAR Future Heavy Flavor Tracker $15M MIE project. Complete ~Jan 2014 Pixel layers: “Ultimate-2” CMOS Pixel Sensor (IPHC) 40 ladders, 10 MAPS sensors/ladder Si pad detector readout: CMS APV25-S1 (900 chips, 110K channels) Rebuild TPC Inner Readout Planes Currently, pad planes cover only 20% of inner sector. Re-design covers full area. Improve dE/dx path length at mid-rapidity Extend rapidity coverage (e.g. for eSTAR) ~$4M project What ASICs? Need 85,000 channels. Original ALTRO/PASA no longer produced. Ideally, ASIC will be designed together with the electrode design, to meet specific requirements.

Radiation environment at RHIC PHENIX and STAR have each studied the radiation field at the detectors with measurements and simulation, with similar results. Here are some results from STAR… Vertex production of neutrons Radiation field in krad at z = 0, vs. radius 10

CEBAF 12 GeV Experiments 11

CLAS12/Hall B The CEBAF 12 GeV detectors utilize only two ASICs: Hall B silicon vertex tracker Hall D tracking chambers Hall B uses existing discrete-amplifier readouts for drift chamber (~25K total channels) PMT/SiPM readouts use FADCs done with commercial 125 MHz or 250MHz units. 12

Hall B CLAS12 Si Vertex Tracker (SVT) Sensor modules Readout electronics Cold plate CLAS 12 Central Detector Readout uses FSSR2 ASIC, developed at Fermilab for BTeV. Sensor modules read out by 4 ASICs of 128 channels each. SVT operates in 5T field, L = cm -2 sec fb -1 per year. Radiation dose (Carbon target) = 2.5 Mrad 13

Hall D GLUEX Tracking Chambers ASIC for Drift Chamber Readout: anodes and cathodes From F. Barbosa, JLab: 14

Electron Ion Collider: Two machine designs eRHIC ELIC eRHIC (BNL): Adds 5-20 GeV electron beam to collide with existing RHIC hadron beams. ELIC (JLab): Adds high energy ion and polarized proton beams to CEBAF 12 GeV electron beam. While the machine designs are very different, the physics parameters are similar: Collision energy range, ion species, luminosity 15 arXiv:

Magnet 2-3T high acceptance -5 <  < 5 central detector good PID ( ,K,p and lepton) and vertex resolution (< 5  m) tracking and calorimeter coverage the same  good momentum resolution, lepton PID Barrel: MAPS & TPC, Forward: MAPS & GEM low material density  minimal multiple scattering and bremsstrahlung very forward electron and proton/neutron detection  Roman Pots, ZDC, low e-tagger hadronelectron Community-wide effort underway to develop simulations to determine detector requirements for specific “Golden Measurements” EIC Detector Design Concept 16

Cross section: Pythia  ep : – mb Luminosity: cm -1 s -2 = 10 7 mb -1 s -1 Some notes on Rates for EIC Low multiplicy: N ch (ep ) ~ N ch (eA) < N ch (pA) no occupancy problem Interaction rate: KHz Radiation environment similar to that at RHIC. Detailed simulations in progress, based on machine IR designs. Beam crossing rate for BNL eRHIC is 40 MHz, same as LHC. Hence detector designs are likely to incorporate ASICs similar to those being developed for various upgrades to LHC detectors, both in the U.S. and at CERN. 17

Some Concluding Observations  NP has relied heavily on ASIC developments in HEP.  It is likely that more specific requirements on ASICs will emerge in design studies for new detectors.  Ideally, institutions responsible for particular detector subsystems will turn to ASIC design groups to work on optimal solutions, in concert with the detector designs.  It is essential to maintain and further develop this capability in DOE labs. 18

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