Francisco J. VERDERA Director of International Relations and Cooperation Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) TAIEX Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

Francisco J. VERDERA Director of International Relations and Cooperation Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) TAIEX Workshop Standardization in the framework of the ACAA preparations for the Mediterranean Neighboring countries A national standardization body in the European and International framework

Content of the presentation Standardization in the context of quality infrastructure; Standardization in the regional and international context; Different models of standardization bodies. Considerations about the model of AENOR; Role and activities of AENOR in CEN-CENELEC and ISO/IEC; Current and future trends in Standardization (AENOR perspective); EUROMED NSBs towards CEN-CENELEC and ISO-IEC.

STANDARDIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE A national standardization body in the European and International frameworK: Introduction

Quality infrastructure Legal framework for industry, products and services Metrology Institute Standardization Body Accreditation Body Technical Regulations Calibration Laboratories Measuring Instruments Verification Testing Laboratories Analytical Laboratories Certification Bodies Inspection Bodies Industry and service: manufacturers and users Consumers, Society in general Market surveillance Authorities

REQUIREMENTS OFFER DEMAND Existence of Requirements Existence of means For proof Application of Requirements Conformity Assessment Demand of Requirements to be fulfilled Market surveillance & other controls © AENOR

STANDARDIZATION IN REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT A national standardization body in the European and International frameworK: Introduction

International standardization Regional Standardization National Standardization National legislation Regional Legislation ISO IEC ITU (CODEX,…) CEN-CENELEC-ETSI; AIDMO, ARSO, … Founding Treasties of Regional Areas; Regulations (1025/2012,…); Directives,... International treaties WTO - TBT WTO - GATS WTO - SPS (...) AENOR, IMANOR, DIN- DKE, UNI-CEI, AFNOR-UTE, IPQ, TSE, SII, CYS, MSA, IANOR, EOS, LIBNOR, JSMO,… … Laws, Technical Regulations,...

International environment WTO/TBT Agreement; Annex 3 – Code of Good Practice; WTO/GATS Agreement; WTO Principles for Standardization; ISO and IEC policies on Global Relevance; Formal and Informal Competition to Standardization.

European Environment Information procedure for standards and technical regulation CEN and CENELEC statutes and internal regulations; CEN and CENELEC previous Guidelines for the Accession of Affiliates to Membership (9 conditions); 2008: Commission Communication “Small Business Act for Europe”; 2008: European Council “Conclusions on Standardization and Innovation”; 2009: CEN-CENELEC WG on Membership Criteria; 2010: Report “Standardization for a competitive and innovative Europe: a vision for 2020”; 2012: Edition Guide 20; 2012: EU Regulation 1025/2012.

Geographical environment: crytical aspects ISO-IEC, CEN-CENELEC: Rights and obligations; Type of Membership and membership fees; Active participation; Adoption of standards + Withdrawall of conflictive ones; Commercialisation and distribution; Promotion of (ISO and IEC) standards; Protection of intelectual property rights; Fulfilment of WTO-TBT obligations.

MODELS OF STANDARDIZATION BODIES - AENOR MODEL A national standardization body in the European and International framework

AENOR nature AENOR: Private-Public Partnership; Private (non governmental); Association; Non for profit… but seeking profits (sustainability); Staff independent from any specific interest; Budget mainly coming from services provided by the organization (mainly to private sector).

Ethical values of AENOR a) Integrity; b) Transparency; c) Responsibility; d) Safety (processes, instalations and services, special attention protecting members of the association, employees, subcontracted personnel, customers and clients and local environment.

Professional values inside AENOR Rigor; Independence; Leadership; Loyalty; Results-oriented; Customer focus; Innovation; Collaboration; Adequate and responsible use of resources and tools.

Model of AENOR (I) Multi-stakeholder organization; Multi-sectorial activities; Multi-service: Customer oriented organization; Supporting internationalization of Spanish companies; Leading innovation (in Spain) for standardization and conformity assessment; Proactive in cooperation with National Standard Bodies of third countries;

Model of AENOR (II) Standardization: 71% of secretariats managed by sector specific associations; Settlement in all the Autonomous Communities in Spain; Conformity assessment: Branches in many countries, supporting our customers, cooperating w/ other NSBs; Conformity assessment: AENOR is a multi-local organization, rather than a multinational.

Services provided by AENOR Standardization services; Information services; Publication and editorial services; Conformity assessment services; Training; International Cooperation;

AENOR as standardization body (I) More than standards in catalogue; More than participants in standardization; Member of ISO and IEC; Member of CEN and CENELEC; Adherent member of COPANT (Pan-American); (…)

AENOR as standardization body (II) Highest percentage of European standards in local language(s) in Europe; Promoting Spanish versions of ISO and IEC standards; Industry involvement: 2/3 of technical committees managed by industry associations. SME participation.

RECOGNITION OF A NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION BODY A national standardization body in the European and International framework: Introduction

Recognition of a Standardization Body Discussion on meaning of “Recognition”; The multiple dimensions of a “Recognised” standardization body;

What is recognition of a Standardization body?

Multiple dimensions of recognition Legal; Geographical: – International; – Regional; – National (country and peer organizations); Stakeholders.

Legal recognition Recognition in the legal framework as the National Standardization Body in all fields of activity; Complies with relevant “criteria” established; Standardization is an activity of Social Interest, but mostly financed by private social and economic agents (directly or indirectly); The relevant Authority is responsible for supervising the Standardization activities; State is subsidiary responsible of Standardization; Use of standards in support of public policies;

Stakeholders “Recognition” Legal recognition & Use of standards (Public Authorities) Std. Users: Civil Society (Private social and economic agents) Std. Developers: Participants in standardization (All interested parties)

MOTIVATIONS TO STANDARDIZE FROM STAKEHOLDERS A national standardization body in the European and International framework

Main motivations to standardize Technical promotion of a product, service or process; Influence legislation; Common reference for authorities, manufacturers, providers, customers and users; Differentiation towards non compliant or sustitutive products; Cost reduction; Optimize investment in research and development; Avoid that other segments of value chain impose their critria unilaterally.

Unfair competition Competition out of stakeholder group Substitutive products and services Customers (users or consumers) Customers (users or consumers) Providers Society in general Legal environment Organization Culture / Values Strategy Organization Culture / Values Strategy Personnel Owners Shareholders Owners Shareholders Products Services Processes Products Services Processes Environment Available technology Available technology Standardization: Motivation from industry

Standardization is a (public) service Entities active in standardization are defending their legitimate interests; All of them benefit from participation (influence in the standards, information, networking,…); This is important for understanding our model of standardization… including financing

ROLE OF AENOR AS NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION BODY IN CEN- CENELEC AND ISO-IEC A national standardization body in the European and International framework

WTO TBT Principles for Standardization Transparency; Openness; Impartiality and Consensus; Effectiveness and Relevance; Coherence; Development Dimension;

Expectations from European Public Authorities for standardization? Flexible; Comprehensive; Inclusive; Efficient; up-to-date.

Principles for Standardization applied by CEN and CENELEC Transparency; Openness; Impartiality and Consensus; Effectiveness and Relevance; Coherence; Development Dimension; Viability and Stability. Increased application of each principle + Additional principles

Role as ISO-IEC and CEN-CENELEC member Comply with values and obligations; Active participation (according to interests and priorities of our stakeholders); Active adoption and translation of the standards; Active promotion of the International and European standards inside and outside; Colaboration with other ISO-IEC members; Balance between market access and welfare + sustainability of the Society.

CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS IN STANDARDIZATION (RELEVANT FOR A NSB) A national standardization body in the European and International framework

Crisis? Profit from “times of plenty” to be prepared; Tool for quality and competitiveness of your companies; Example of what has happened in Spain: – Decreasing of local market; – 20% increase of exports in the last two years.

Competition? Competitors to ISO and IEC; Competitors to (traditional) standardization; Are (sometimes) regulations a competition for standardization?

Services The main contribution to our economy is from services; The standards are (mainly) focussed on products; CEN-CENELEC Guide 15 on standardization in fhe field of services; Big opportunity for Mediterranean NSBs.

IT Tools and technology To be able to reply to changes in the Society; Facilitate participation and access to documents; From selling standards to selling information and services; Increasing incomes for NSBs.

Challenges for current model of standardization Crisis: reduction of public funding; Crisis: demand from customers; Internet based sales; Internet based illegal distribution of standards; Language issue; Alternative models in NSBs; Requirements from regulators on public access;

MEDITERRANEAN NATIONAL STANDARD BODIES TOWARDS CEN-CENELEC AND ISO-IEC A national standardization body in the European and International framework

Mediterranean National Standardization Bodies Stakeholders needs; Institutional model; Business model; Financing and sustainability of the system; Technology and IT tools; Supporting ISO and IEC; Participation in CEN and CENELEC (and ETSI); Trans-Mediterranean cooperation.

Francisco J. VERDERA Director of International Relations and Cooperation Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) Thank you very much for your attention A national standardization body in the European and International framework