Things We Cherish Jaydon Leonardo Alexander Hannan Group 6
School Why School You Ask, Because I Can Get Away From My Annoying Family In The House. I Have Good Teachers Here, Who Don’t Annoy You. Grown Adults That Are Funny And I Actually Like Them. Why Stay Home When You Can Go To School With The People You Love Rather Than Being Aggravated.
Electronics Electronics Are Cool, They Have Music Which Is My Escape From The Aggravation, Video Games Help With Stress, Stress From School And Other Activities, Both My Phone And Laptop Help Me In My Life That’s Why I Cherish Them.
My Grandparents Without My Grandparents, I Wouldn’t Be Here Now. I Wouldn’t Have Someone To Drive Me To School And Waste Their Gas, I Wouldn’t Have Clothes, I Wouldn’t Have The Electronics I Have Now, Without Them I Wouldn’t Have A Life :D
Laptop I cherish my laptop because I can use my laptop to talk to my friends and I can use it to play games that I like to play such as CS:GO.
Youtube I cherish youtube because I can watch a lot of entertaining videos made by hilarious people on the internet. I can use it as a way to just take a break from homework and just relax.
Doctor Who(TV Series) I cherish this show because it’s a show that has a lot of science and it’s a show that has a lot of aliens and stuff that couldn’t exist on Earth.
Family I love my family because they are my family. I have no one but my family so I love them very much. They are alright. They take me places and give me food, and put a roof over my head. I love my family.
Teachers I cherish my teachers because even when I don’t always try my best or I fail my teachers still encourage to keep on trying. It also shows me that they care and want me to be the best I can be.
Books I enjoy reading all sorts of books. Reading is fun and it can help you relax and take your mind off things when you’re stressed or angry, I think that’s the main reason why I like to read it helps to pass the time when you relly don’t want to do something.