Values Teen Issues/Independent Living Self-understanding
What are values? Values are: Things or ideas that you cherish most Who and what you care about/pay attention to What you believe to be true What you consider most important in life
Examples of values Write down 5-10 that you consider your values Success Adventure Beauty Peace Challenge Change Cleanliness Commitment Communication Community Competition Concern for others Creativity Determination Democracy Diversity
Examples of values Enjoyment Fairness Faith Family Freedom Friendship Fun Generosity Global view Hard work Happiness Health Honor Independence Individuality Integrity
Examples of values Intelligence Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Love Loyalty Money Patriotism Perfection Personal growth Perseverance Power Privacy Punctuality Respect for others
Examples of values Safety Security Self-thinking Service Simplicity Solving problems Speed Status Strength Teamwork Timeliness Tolerance Tradition Trust Unity Variety Well-being Wisdom
Your values show in: How you act What you talk about What you stand up or fight for What you are willing to sacrifice for
Where do our values come from? Any ideas? Society School TV Parents Friends Music Celebrities
Teen years… Teen years are a time when you become more aware of your values…why? You’re maturing Teens are worried what others say, see and do You’re becoming more aware of what you like You’re becoming more independent
Common Values Common values are values that are common among all societies, for example: respect.