Today’s Objective Recognize and understand the significance of various symbols in literature and their meanings.
Symbolism A symbol is a person, place, thing or event that stands for both itself and for something beyond itself. Some symbols are universally known, and others are personal symbols. Denotation or Dictionary Meaning something that represents or stands for something else, usually an object used to represent something abstract
Common Animal Symbols Fox - slyness, cleverness Lamb - gentleness, purity, sacrifice, innocence, Jesus/religious Snake - poison, evil, betrayal, Satan Lion - royalty, nobleness Dove – peace, purity Owl – wisdom Eagle – power, freedom Elephant- Republican Donkey- Democratic Can you think of other animals that may stand for a symbol?
Common Colors that are Symbols Red- passion, love, violence, blood, courage White- purity, power, good Black- evil Yellow- light, comprehension Blue- beauty, serenity Gold- wealth, power Purple- Royalty Green- hope, growth, new life, envy Can you think of what other colors may represent?
Numbers 1 – unity 7- sacred, lucky 12- sacred 13- unlucky Do any numbers stand for something?
Seasons Spring- birth, new life, new beginnings Summer- prime of life Autumn/Fall- last few years of life Winter- death, end of a period of life
Nature Water- life, cleansing Rain- sorrow, sadness Thunderstorm- danger, violence Sun- happiness Sunset- waning of life, death Sun rise – beginning Rose- love Midnight- evil Darkness-mystery Can you think of any other items from nature that may represent something other than itself?
Other Blood- life, sacrifice Clock chiming- warning Balancing scales- justice Money- labor, evil Bread- life Flag- patriotism Circle- eternity Do you know any other symbols?
In the Movies… In westerns, who rides the white horse? The black horse? What does it mean when you hear a clock strike midnight? What does it mean when the weather is cold? Spring like? What other symbols can you think of in the movies? How about in novels you have read? Harry Potter? Tuck Everlasting? Bridge to Terabithia? Scarlet Letter? Popeye’s Spinach?
Theme A theme is a universal idea suggested by the specifics in a story.
Explicit vs. “hidden” themes It’s easy to state the theme of a story that has been deliberately written to communicate a specific lesson or moral. For example, Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare,” which ends with the explicit moral: Slow and steady wins the race. However, most stories are not as easily reduced to a single simple lesson
Some traditional story themes Although a story’s theme is specifically linked to the story that it explores, authors often draw to common theme patterns throughout the history of literature. * struggle between good and evil * conflict between the individual and community * differences between nature and civilized society * differences between country and city life * conflict between human free will and fate
Recognizing Themes in a Short Story A story communicates its central idea or themes in a variety of ways. In looking for themes, consider some of these possible clues: *title *important images or symbols *any lesson learned by the outcome of the conflict
Let’s Play Symbol HUNTER!!!!
Directions On the same piece of paper you are using to take notes- identify the various symbolic meanings we associate with each of the following pictures There are many possible correct answers!!!! You can have several different things listed!!!!!
This Dress… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: Purity, Perfection, Innocence, Goodness, Marriage
This Ring… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: Marriage, union between a man and woman, money and prosperity
This Flag… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: America, Freedom
This Statue… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: America, Freedom, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
This President…
Possible Answers: Civil War, Honesty, Integrity, 5 Dollar Bill
This Product… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: Fast food, value, “I’m Lovin’ It”, Obesity, Unhealthiness
This Color… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: Go, Money, Growth, Life
This Logo… Wait one minute before changing this slide.
Possible Answers: Hippy, Peace
Your Turn!!! Separate into groups of three and get a copy of Of Mice and Men from the cart in the front of the room. Review the chapters and create a list of items you believe to be symbolic in the novel. Explain the symbolic significance of each of the things you list. Each individual must have a list.