Colors and Their Meanings Why does color matter?
Red Physical Response: Can increase heartbeat, breathing rate, blood pressure Positive Reminders: passion, love, heat, power, excitement Negative Reminders: anger, violence, danger, blood Companies Who Use Red: Coke, McDonalds, American Red Cross
Orange Orange create a strong emotional response. Either you hate it or love it. Physical Response: makes you hungry Positive Reminders: energy, warmth, demands attention Negative Reminders: greedy Companies Who Use Orange: Jamba Juice, Crush, Tropicana
Yellow Positive Reminders: joy, happy, hope, summer, friends Negative Reminders: cowardice, dishonesty, hazard, illness Companies: McDonalds
Green Physical Response: relaxing Positives Reminders: peace, nature, health, good luck, Negative Reminders: jealous, envy Companies: H&R Block
Blue Physical Response: calming Posistive Reminders: calm, cool, trust, confidence, loyalty Negative Reminders: sad Companies: Blue Man Group, Pepsi, Ford, Gap
Purple Physical Response: Calms the mind and helps it to focus Positive Reminders: royal, noble, mystery, wisdom Negative Reminders: pride, mean, stubborn Companies: Yahoo
Pink Physical Response: energy Positive Reminders: confidence, love, acceptance Companies: Mary Kay, T-mobile
Brown Physical Response: feeling of goodness Positive Reminders: earth, home, and comfort Negative Reminders: dirty Companies: UPS, Hershey’s
Gray Positive Reminders: conservative, security, reliability, knowledge Negative Reminders: old age, boring
Black Positive Reminders: formal, elegant, wealth, authority, power Negative Reminders: fear, evil, sad, empty
White Positive Reminders: simple, clean, pure, youth, marriage Negative Reminders: hospitals, cold