Yang Xinping Wuliqiao Sub-District Office Huangpu District Shanghai, 25 Feb, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Yang Xinping Wuliqiao Sub-District Office Huangpu District Shanghai, 25 Feb, 2016

Profile of Social Enterprise (SE) First State of Social Enterprise in UK and China Second Experience of Social Enterprise in UK Third Enlightenment to China Forth

UK - the nation being well governed. Smart and successful experience: The mature civil society The advanced government governance

The powerful third sector The numerous charity and voluntary and community organizations (VCO) The developed social enterprises (SE), etc.

In my opinion, the SE will be booming in the near future in China.

The Profile of Social Enterprise (SE) First

The term “social enterprise”-having been first coined by Freer Spreckley in 1978 in UK.

Bill Drayton, founder of Ashoka, first began using the term “social entrepreneur” in the 1970s.

In 2006, Professor Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh became the first social entrepreneur to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for the Grameen Bank’s efforts to alleviate poverty through microcredit.

The definition by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in UK (2002) was generally accepted. Concept

“a social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders and owners”. Concept

Social and environmental objectives of SE Concept

The roots of SE reach back to the co- operative movement and the Rochdale Pioneers of State of SE in UK

SE are the important part of the third sector and play a key role in the current Britain society. State of SE in UK The Third Sector Co- operatives Mutuals Charity Organizations Other Organizations Others Goups Community Groups Self-help Groups Associations Voluntary and Community Organizations Social Enterprises

Profile of social enterprises in the UK State of SE in UK

Profile of social enterprises in the UK State of SE in UK

over 11 thousand Community Interest Companies (CICs) have been founded up to now. State of SE in UK

The breakdown of organizational structures of SEs (%) State of SE in UK

The term “social enterprise” is still unfamiliar to most in China. It was first introduced in 2004 The first monograph 《 How to Change the World 》 was published in SE in China

In 2006, China’s first self-described SE - SHOKAY established in Tibet. The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan caused the flourishing of SEs in China. SE in China

A significant proportion of SEs transitioned from NGOs. No clear profit distribution model. Most of SEs do not benefit from tax- exemption. Characteristics in China

State of SE governance Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

Annual turnover of SE in China and UK Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

The length of SE in China and UK Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

The resource of primary Start-up funding Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

State of profit of SE in China and UK Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

Age of founders Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

Gender of workforce in SE Comparison between China ’ s SEs and UK ’ s

Canyou Group – three-in-one developing model with charity foundation, NPO and SE. Innovative Practices in China

Development of Canyou Group Canyou Practice in China Year staff53700 company132 subsidiary companies foundation0 1 charity foundation, 8 non-profit organizations funding0 RMB > 6 million RMB Board of DirectornoFormal Society impactnoNo 1 SE in China Geographic scope1 community11 Provinces

Three-in-one operating model Canyou Practice in China

China Social Innovation Award Canyou Practice in China Only one China’s Social Enterprise Awarded by Social Enterprise UK

Aba Qiang Embroidery (“One Needle One Thread”) Support Program – smart model for “Poverty Alleviation” in remote rural areas. Innovative Practices in China

Difficulty for the developing and supporting road Qiang Embroidery in China

Remote rural women supported by the program Home is the workplace Walking to the villages for more than 3 hours Qiang Embroidery in China

The development of Qiang Embroidery Qiang Embroidery in China

Areas supported by the program Qiang Embroidery in China

Interaction Relations between main parts participating in Aba Qiang Embroidery Support Program Qiang Embroidery in China

Buy42.com (Shan tao web) – new internet+ mixed model supporting charity and vulnerable people employment. Innovative Practices in China

Shantao in China

Transparency report showing social impact

In 2015, it realized public funds of more than 0.87 million RMB, Sales revenue exceeding 1.29 million RMB, 24,585 public shareholders. Shantao in China

The Experience of Social Enterprise (SE) in UK Third

Establishing the specialized administrative agencies. Social Enterprise Unit in 2001, Office of The Regulator of Community Interest Companies in 2004, Office of The Third Sector in 2005, Office for Civil Society in Experience of SE in UK

Publishing the relevant law or criterion to promote the development of SEs. 《 Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 》 established a new type of company- Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2004 Experience of SE in UK

《 Public Services ( Social Value ) Act 》 in 2012 required public authorities to have regard to economic, social and environmental well-being which offered more opportunities to the third sector. Experience of SE in UK

Introducing the development plan. 《 Social Enterprise : A Strategy to Success 》 in 2002 《 Social Enterprise Action Plan : Scaling New Heights 》 in 2006 《 Big Society Project 》 in 2010 Experience of SE in UK

Tax relief policy was dramatically benefit to SE. “Enterprise Investment Scheme” “Community Investment Tax Relief” Experience of SE in UK

Mutual help from the mainstream business and other units such as charity and voluntary and community organizations Experience of SE in UK

Enlightenment of Social Enterprise (SE) to China Forth

Enlightenment to China foster SE culture clearly put forward the concept for local SE

Enlightenment to China Promote the formulation of laws and regulation systems for SEs Improve the accreditation system for SEs.

Enlightenment to China Government subsidies and preferential policies More Tax relief similar to UK More funding and procurement opportunities to the third sector organizations

Enlightenment to China More Seed funding from public and private foundations

Enlightenment to China Universities encourage students to join the social enterprise Adjust the curriculum to meet the need of the market.

Enlightenment to China SE should learn from international smart case facilitate cross-sector partnerships with mainstream business system. Partner with other social organizations

Enlightenment to China foster a lot of social entrepreneurs in all of social fields in order to meet the demands from SEs in the immediate future.