About Vodafone Vodafone was formed as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics in 1984.
About Vodafone 1 st is China Mobile
About Vodafone Vodafone is 22 nd valuable company in the world!
About Vodafone With equity interests in 27 countries and Partner Markets in more than 40 countries.
About Vodafone
CSR Reporting of Vodafone Vodafone is sharing annual CSR / Sustainability Reports every year on their websites.
What does CSR mean for Vodafone?
CSR Management of Vodafone
CSR of Vodafone Qatar
Campaign: E-billing campaign Since the launch of the campaign over 300,000 customers have switched to e-billing.
JustTextGiving JustTextGiving by Vodafone is supported by the Vodafone Foundation (registered charity )
Environment Program's Billion Tree Campaign Planting 3,00,000 trees over 3 years
First Step Ahead By the end of academic year, the project will have reached out to a total of people with 573 nursery classes in 81 cities.
Current and Potential Employees
Thank you for listening Ahmet Ertürk / İnan Kılınç / Uğurcan Yurtsever