Famous food Green cabbage soup“Caldo verde”, codfish, pork cubes ("rojões"), duck with rice (“Arroz de pato”), rice with codfish (“Arroz com bacalhau”), the octopus (“Polvo”), egg lamprey (“lampreia de ovos”) the smoked meat (“Defumados”), tripe “minhoto” style. Dessert Sweet rice “arroz doce, "papos de anjo", and the "aletria", the "rabanadas", "sonhos" and "mexidos" (popovers and sweet dumplings), the delicious "pão de ló". As far as drinks are concerned, the Port wines and the Vinhos Verde are a must.
Traditional Music Main theme of music is fate 2 Types: Coimbra Style Lisboa Style Composed by: 1 Guitar 1 Portuguese guitar 1Singer
Music used in festivals Very active and with rythem Joyfull musics Normaly composed by 1 Man Traditional instrument used in “pimba” is the accordeon
Popular Festival of S. António Popular Festival of S. Pedro
Popular Festival of S. João Festivals of Viana