CASE NO-1 45 yrs female presented with recurrent episodes of cough since 6 months & one episode of hemoptysis. Imageology revealed an endobronchial mass in the right lower lobe. Lobectomy done. C/S:shows a friable intrabronchial growth.
CASE NO-2 33 yrs male, bleeding P/R since 1 month. H/O,spurious diarrhea & occasional vomitings present. P/R -irregular nodular mass, 3x2 cms. Proctoscopy:II degree haemorrhoids. 7’o clock position - anterior rectal wall. DD :TB,Carcinoid. Rectal biopsy sent.
CASE-N0-3 8yrs female child presented to plastic surgery with recurrent painful swelling over the dorsum of the nose, since 4 yrs. Gross :Received multiple grey white bits,m/s 1cm x 0.5cm.
CASE NO-4 50 yrs male presented with pain abdomen, vomitings, haemetemesis & malena since 5 months. Whipple’s resection done. Section from duodenum submitted.
CASE NO-5 55 yrs female with left parotid mass. Gross: received parotidectomy specimen of 8x6x2 cms. C/S: solid homogenous with microcysts filled with mucus.
CASE NO-6 Reddish discolouration of the left eye noticed by parents for 3 days starting on 2nd day after birth in a male child. O/E:revealed a mass protruding out of the globe in the limbal area.
CASE NO-7 20 yrs male-small swelling –neck- 5 years. Fracture of Rt Femur bone with demineralization.
CASE NO-8 41 yrs female –Rt adnexal mas Operated for multiple malignancies. Carcinoma breast-1999 & chemotherapy. Chondrosarcoma rib PET Scan-Solid & cystic mass pelvis- ?Cystadenoma. Biopsy followed by TAH & BSO.
CASE NO-9 20 yrs female-bleeding per vaginum. Evacuation for molar pregnancy 2yrs back. D&C –reported as choriocarcinoma O/S Resistant to chemotherapy. Hysterectomy done
CASE NO yrs female-Thigh swelling-3 months. O/E-3.5x 3cm Nodular mass with ulceration & oozing.
CASE NO yrs male presented with history of sudden weakness in both the limbs and inability to walk since 3 days. Imageology s/o dorsal extradural compressive lesion from T3 –T5 vertebrae. Section from the lesional area is provided.
CASE NO yrs female presented with hematuria since 6 months. H/O carcinoma cervix, treated with surgery and radiotherapy 30yrs back. Cystoscopy showed calcified mass in the urinary bladder. Section from urinary bladder mass submitted.
CASE NO yrs female-fever & weakness-2 months.Abdominal pain-3 days. O/E:Pallor,Hepatospleenomagaly.No lymphadenopathy. USG:Hepatomegaly with dilated portal vein & Spleenomegaly. Upper GI Endoscopy:Erosive antral gastritis,No varices. Clinical Diagnosis:Hypersplenism with Portal Hypertension. Liver core biopsy,BM-biopsy & splenectomy done. Gross:Spleen:size-30x11x7cms,wt-2.5kgs.capsule thickened.No infarcts.c/s-relatively pale & vaguely mottled. Liver core biopsy:3 grey white- brown linear 1cm bits. Peripheral smear:Pancytopenia. Sections from splenectomy submitted.
CASE NO-15 35years male. Presented with hydrocoele. Gross : Irregular grey brown mass of 13 x 6 x 5 cm. C/S : grey white & haemorrhagic.
CASE NO years female. Presented with lump in the abdomen & dragging pain radiating to one leg since one month. P/A : Hard mass of 12 weeks size.