SEESCOASEESCOA STWW - Programma SEESCOA: Software Engineering for Embedded Systems using a Component-Oriented Approach
SEESCOASEESCOA Agenda uOverview of the SEESCOA project (Stefan Van Baelen - K.U.Leuven) uBuilding Components for Mid-Scale Embedded Systems: What Kind of Infrastructure Do We Need? (Werner Van Belle - VUB) uDebugging of Real-Time Embedded Systems: Experiences from SEESCOA (Michiel Ronsse - RUG)
SEESCOASEESCOA STWW - Programma Overview of the SEESCOA Project Stefan Van Baelen DistriNet - K.U.Leuven
SEESCOASEESCOA The current software technology cannot always fulfill these higher requirements ï too late ï too expensive ï too many errors Context and problem statement uEmbedded Systems wfunctionality and complexity are ever increasing (communication, multi-media, …) wquality requirements are growing (ISO 900x) wtime-to-market is getting smaller and smaller
SEESCOASEESCOA Our proposal: adaptation of successful methodologies for the specific requirements of embedded software Context and problem statement uInformation systems wan even bigger increase in functionality and complexity during the last 10 years wa comparable increase in quality requirements wfocussed on methodological aspects of software production wmodern methodologies have proven benefits clear increase of productivity and quality improvement
SEESCOASEESCOA General methodology: case driven SEESCOA is generic, conceptual basic research. All developed software is to be considered as proof-of-concept. Innovative method for component-based software- development for Embedded Systems, supported by General purpose ua notation for component modeling, with emphasis on RT aspects, resource constraints, and supported by a development environment ua component architecture, methodology and run-time component system ua generic architecture for the realization of user interfaces for Embedded Systems uimproving the observability of the dynamic behavior of Embedded Systems (debugging, profiling)
SEESCOASEESCOA Consortium uResearch Partners: Computer science departments of four Flemish universities, each with their own competence wVUBComponent modeling wK.U.LeuvenComponent architecture wLUCUser interfaces wRUGEnhancing observability uUser Commision: 6 companies, all members of the Vlaams Software Platform (VSP) wAgfa, Alcatel, Barco, IMEC, Philips, Siemens Atea
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 7: final validation (second case study) WP 7: final validation (second case study) Project Overview WP 1 Orientation WP6: Coordination and project management WP2: component modeling WP3: component architecture WP4: user interfaces WP5: observability /99 10/00 10/01 10/02 10/03
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 1: Orientation upurpose: wdescribing the state-of-the-art of development of embedded systems in Flemish companies wchoice of example applications and a common case wchoice of a common platform wfirst working definition of component umethodology: wvisitation of the user members of the user commission wliterature study
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 2: component modeling upurpose: wdesign of a component modeling notation wcomponent composer environment that allows for cooperation and timing checks (static as well as dynamic) wmodeling evolution and version control of components umethodology: wenhancing traditional IDL or UML(-RT)-like notations with semantic information: synchronization, resource constraints, dependencies between components
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 3: component architecture upurpose: wmethod for component based software development for embedded systems wdefinition of a suitable component architecture wintegration of results from the other work packages in the common case wdynamic updates of components umethodology: wgradually improving the component architecture on examples wdesign and implementation of a common case integrating the results from the other work packages
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 4: user interfaces upurpose: wevaluation of existing systems for UI wdevelopment of component technology for UI wimproving the look-and-feel of UI by adding multimedia wincreasing the productivity of UI development wassess feasibility of adaptable UI umethodology: wdevelopment of a UI for different cases, based on our component technology wbuilding an environment to realize interfaces
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 5: observability upurpose: wadding observability to components while limiting the computing and memory resources wdevelopment of a debugger component for external or embedded use wdevelop remote service technology umethodology: wspecification of a debug interface for components wdevelopment of an external debugger and integration in our common case
SEESCOASEESCOA WP 6: coordination and project management upurpose: wadministrative support for the project wsupporting and stimulating interaction between partners winterface to the user commission wtimely delivery and dissemination of results wproposing, if needed, of “corrective”actions umethodology: wsetup of a communication structure, including a web-site worganization of meetings and seminars wfollow-up of commitments wfollow-up of trends and evolutions in embedded systems
SEESCOASEESCOA Contacts with user commission uvisitations during the first months uproject meetings +- every 6 months wpresentations, demonstrations and reports wfeedback by the user commission uweb-site with results, only accessible by members of the user commission SEESCOA/ User Name “CONSORTIUM” Password: “wwwstww” SEESCOA/ ubilateral contacts between the members of the user commission and the academic partners for specific problems or additional projects ujoint project workshops
SEESCOASEESCOA Previous Results (months 1-24) uWP1 Orientation wT 1.1: Visists at the companies of the user group wT 1.2: Literature Study of Embedded Systems wT 1.3: Literature Study of Component Software wT 1.4: Choice of Common Platform uWP2: Component Modeling wT 2.1: Real-Time UML wT 2.2: Reuse contracts for component-based embedded software wT 2.3: Component composer + static consistency checking uWP3: Component Architecture wT 3.1: Delimitation of Components in First Case wT 3.2: Development of component architecture for first case wT 3.3: refinement of architecture wT 3.4: design of common test case using components
SEESCOASEESCOA Previous Results (months 1-24) uWP4: User Interfaces wT 4.1: Evaluation of Existing System for the Realization of Uis wT 4.2: Implementation of component-based UIs wT 4.3: Generalization of component-based UIs uWP5: Observability wT 5.1 Overview of existing on-chip Debugging Techniques wT 5.2: Specification and implementation of a generic debug interface for components wT 5.3: Implementation of external debugger component
SEESCOASEESCOA Current Work: months uWP2: Component Modeling wT 2.4: Dynamic performance verification wT 2.6: Modeling of evolution and version control (until month 36) uWP3: Component Architecture wT 3.5: Development of the common test case (until month 36) wT 3.6: Live updates (until month 36) uWP4: User Interfaces wT 4.4: Innovative UIs wT 4.6: Adaptable User Interfaces (until month 36) uWP5: Observability wT 5.4: Implementation of embedded debugger component