Radicular cavity preparation SESSION VIII - RADICULAR CAVITY PREPARATION dr B.Cerkaski Radicular cavity preparation ‘step-back’ technique PART I
Objectives of canal preparation The root canal must be: Cleaned of its organic remnants by instrumentation and irrigation Shaped to receive a smooth tapered preparation for three-dimensional filling of the entire root canal space by instrumentation
Objectives of canal preparation Cleaning assesment: presence of clean dentinal shavings canal enlargement three sizes larger than the first instrument that binds at the apical constriction (IAF) canal walls should be smooth in all dimensions
Principles of canal preparation Gradualy increasing taper Preparation must flow and progressively narrow in an apical direction Original anatomy maintained Without ledging and transportation Position of foramen maintained Gently enlarged without relocating Foramen as small as practical Improves canal-shaping results and promotes confidence in canal obturation
Steps in root canal preparation after the straight line access is done
Clinical steps after the access is done Toilet of the cavity (NaOCl) + pulpotomy/pulpectomy Root canal localization Root canal preenlargement Full pulp removal and root canal preparation
Toilet of the cavity irrigation of pulp chamber with NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite) removal of the coronal pulp (pulpotomy) Bleaching effect of NaOCl makes easier to localize all root canals
Canal localization + patency control
Canal orifices localization C-pilots (size 6, 8, 10) Microopeners Endodontic probe NEVER SEARCH FOR A ROOT CANAL WITH A BUR!!!
canal orifice preparation straight line access
objectives First step of canal preparation! Orifice preparation and coronal part of canal preenlargement creates a straight-line access to apical portion of canal It is a continuation of convenience form in the coronal part of the canal Significantly improves cleaning and shaping procedures
orifice preenlargement → straight-line access to 1/3 apical
Armamentarium Gates-Glidden burs (work gently!!!) Preenlargement can be accomplished with a variety of hand and rotary instruments Gates-Glidden burs (work gently!!!) Pesso reamers (work gently!!!) Greater-taper rotary instruments Ni-Ti files called „orifice openers”
Gates-Glidden bur Flame-shaped head Safe-ended – non-cutting pilot tip 6 sizes (#1 - #6) Tend to „screw” themselves into the canal Most effective cutting in back (withdrawing) motion
Preenlargement technique Patency control – place initial file (#10 or less) and qualify the root canal as: WIDE - purple file #10 gently inserted in about ½ of length without problems NARROW – purple file #10 not possible to insert in the canal to about ½ of length If 1. -> preenlargement with GG #4-3 If 2.-> do not preenlarge with GG!!! Open the canal with hand instruments up to size 20 and then preenlarge with GG (sequence: 6->8->10->15->20->GG#3->GG#4) PATENCY (of at least two coronal thirds) should always be checked BEFORE beginning of preenlargement procedure
Preenlargement technique Observe initial file when introducing to obtain information about: Diameter of canal Initial angulations of centerline and curvatures Obstructions ALWAYS FOLLOW WITH GG bur THE ORIGINAL PATH OF ROOT CANAL
DANGER ZONE Distal surface of mesial roots of lower molars
Preenlargement technique
Benefits of preenlargement Better tactile control with small files in the delicate apical third microanatomy Reduces pressure from the more coronal cutting flutes of any file Allows easier insertion of files (especially precurved) Holds a greater volume of irrigants and lubricant Promotes the removal of dentin mud Removal of the bulk of the pulp and bacteria from passing through area
details of “step-back” shaping technique
Step-back technique objectives Apical preparation first From smaller to larger
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE step-by-step hand instrumentation Phase I Apical preparation with recapitulation Phase II Steping-back procedure Refining Phase IIA Coronal and midroot preparation Refining Phase IIB Apical finishing
Chemo-mechanical preparation!!! Copious irrigation between each file! (NaOCl) Original anatomy Mechanical preparation
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Phase I To start Phase I instrumentation, it must be assumed that the canal has been explored, preenlargement was done Flood the cavity with irrigant WL measurement with AL (using file nr 10) confirmed with x-ray according to Ingle’s method (on x-ray file 15 or larger!) Identification of IAF Initial Apical File – the first file that binds (fits smugly, tight) at the working length Most fequently it is No. 10 SS K-file or c-pilot - IAF gives us information about original size of the canal and apical constriction! - Only one IAF size for each canal
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Phase I Using IAF with WL established (stopper) with „watch-winding” and rasping motion, work against the canal walls until it fits loosely to the working length Irrigate NaOCl Place the next larger file (if IAF=10→15) to the working length, with „watch-winding” and rasping motion, work against the canal walls until it fits loosely to the working length IMPORTANT: The instrument must be to full depth when the cutting action is made
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Phase I Recapitulation If it is not possible to skip to another file size (file doesn’t go to the full WL insert a prior size file to the working length, for debris removal and maintaining patency) Hedstroem file is usually most effective in debris removal Irrigation NaOCl Repeat steps 6-10 until widest provided file reaches the WL = Master Apical File (MAF) IAF: 8,10,15 MAF 35
Master Apical File (MAF) the widest file fitting the WL MAF size is recommended to be usually three sizes wider than IAF, minimum ISO 35 in infected cases (in smaller preparation than MAF 35 irrigant doesn’t penetrate properly the apical part). In not infected cases the rule is: 3x larger than IAF not less than ISO 25 More infected root canal is more root dentine should be eliminated larger MAF should be selected
I phase of step back technique WL set precisely at each file Start with nr 10 – if not possible to insert to the full WL(root canal to narrow) try nr 8 or nr 6! MAF established as 35 in infected cases (in not infected 3x larger than IAF not less than 25) copious irrigation between each file size!!!
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Phase II SESSION VIII - RADICULAR CAVITY PREPARATION dr B.Cerkaski STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Phase II Place a file one size larger than MAF into the canal 1mm short of the working length Work the instrument against the walls until it is loose within the canal Recapitulation to full length with MAF file to maintain patency and removal of dentin chips. Copious irrigation before introducing next size instrument 50 WL-3mm 45 WL-2mm 40 WL-1mm 35 WL 50 WL-3mm 45 WL-2mm 40 WL-1mm MAF 35 WL
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Phase II Repeat steps 11-14 using next larger file until midroot of the canal – usually three sizes more than MAF RECAPITULATION and irrigation after every next file with MAF file to full WL 50 WL-3mm 45 WL-2mm 40 WL-1mm 35 WL
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Refining phase IIA Reshaping of midcanal Lubricate canal and the #1 or #2 GG drill Run engine Place drill into the canal Let the drill find its way without forcing Put a gentle pressure while removing the drill from the canal RECAPITULATION Irrigation Use larger size of GG drill and repeat sequence reaching 1-2mm shallower Phase IIA can be performed also using large SS Hedstroem or K-files
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE Refining phase IIB return to a MAF Smoothing all around the walls with vertical push-pull strokes Placing the file into the canal and pressing it laterally while withdrawing it along the path of insertion to scrape (plane) the wall Hedstroem file is the most efficient
STEP-BACK PROCEDURE COMPLETED PREPARATION Ready to fill continuously tapered canal At this point NaOCl can be left in place to the apex for 2-5min for possible debris and auxiliary ramifications cleaning Diameter MAF 35
II phase of step back (+IIA and IIB refinishing phases) SESSION VIII - RADICULAR CAVITY PREPARATION dr B.Cerkaski II phase of step back (+IIA and IIB refinishing phases) MAF at WL 1 size larger at WL-1 I R G A T O N MAF at WL (reca pitu lation) 2 sizes larger at WL-2 I R G A T O N MAF at WL (reca pitu lation) 3 sizes larger at WL-3 I R G A T O N IIA) I R G A T O N IIB
step-back vs crown-down Step-Back Technique: Beginning with the smallest files and aiming just shy of the apex and moving back from that point while increasing the file size. The Crown Down Technique: Beginning with a larger file to remove coronal debris first and moving to smaller files as the files move closer to the apex.
Hybrid approach crown-down step-back
… so, let’s have small break …