Overview of Residential Reconstruction in Needham Lee Newman Town of Needham Director of Planning and Community Development
Minimum Lot Area (sq ft) Minimum Frontage (feet) Front Setback (feet) Side Setback (feet) Rear Setback (feet) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Maximum Lot Coverage % Maximum Stories Maximum Height (feet) Single Residence B & General Residence Zoning Districts (post-1986 lots) 10, ª10NR Single Residence B & General Residence Zoning Districts (pre-1986 lots) 10, NR Single Residence B Zoning District (New Construction) 10, * ª20NR 25%-30% General Residence Zoning District (New Construction) 10, * ª20NR 30%-35% * 10’ side setback for non-conforming lots ª Increased to 14.5’ for any length over 28’ Dimensional Regulations: Single Residence B & General Residence Zoning Districts
1.Any construction of a structure on a vacant lot. 2.Any construction which involves demolition of more than 50% (fifty percent) of the exterior frame or exterior envelope of an existing structure. 3.Any addition to an existing one-story structure which results in a gross floor area greater than 240% (two hundred forty percent) of the gross floor area of the existing structure. 4.Any addition to an existing one and one-half story structure which results in a gross floor area greater than 220% (two hundred twenty percent) of the gross floor area of the existing structure. 5.Any addition to an existing two-story or two and one-half story structure which results in a gross floor area greater than 175% (one hundred seventy-five percent) of the gross floor area of the existing structure. For purposes of calculating the percentages of any construction, addition or demolition under this definition, all construction shall be taken into account which commenced, or could have commenced, pursuant to an issued permit within two (2) years prior to the date of any request for any permit to construct, reconstruct, alter, add, extend or otherwise structurally change any structure. Definition of New Construction
Lot Size (SF)% CoverageAllowable Coverage (SF) Single Residence B 7500 or more or more or less or less General Residence 9000 or more or more or less or less Table of Lot Size Ranges
Based on Sketch By Mark Gluesing
Example A
Front yard setback: increase the front setback and include measurement standards which respect the front yard setback of existing structures found along either side of the affected lot and if required adjust the rear yard setback accordingly. Policy Objectives
Front yard setback: establish a story and setback limit for front loading garages so as to reduce the massing effect of the structure at the front lot line. Policy Objectives
Encourage the placement of decorative elements by exempting out from the required setback the desired element.
Policy Objectives Side yard setback: Mandate a staggered side yard setback requirement to break up massing of structure and avoid long unbroken walls along a property line.
Policy Objectives Setback Measurement Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) Lot Coverage Height
Lee Newman Town of Needham Director of Planning and Community Development
Lge House Study Existing Site Dimensional Regs Conforming Lot
Lge House Study Existing Site Dimensional Regs Non-Conforming Lot