I. Economic development 1.1.Agriculture Land use consolidation (ha) Priority crop 2010/ / / Maize 4,314 7,832 8,526 10, ,005.0 Beans 21,831 23,489 26,543 27, ,054.0 Irish 3,943 5,732 5,823 6, ,519.0 Wheat 1,567 1,873 1,985 2, ,503.4 Cassava Green Peas Total 32,024 39,517 43,690 47,384 48,039 1
Land use consolidation WHEATIRISH POTATOES 2
I. Economic development …… 1.1.Agriculture ………… Use of chemical fertilizers (T) 3 Type of fertilizer 2010/ / / / /2015 NPK DAP UREA LIME ,1692,535 TOTAL ,766.53,107.61
I. Economic development …… 1.1.Agriculture ………… Use of improved seeds (T) Type of seeds / / / /2015Total MAIZE BEAN , , ,446 1, , WHEAT CASSAVA (Cuttings) 1,130,000 1,350,000 3,282,240 5,677,000 4,989,380 16,428,620 4
I. Economic development …… 1.1.Agriculture ………… Food crop productions (T) Crop Maize 10,183 15, ,206 Bean 35,645 41, ,815 81,380 Irish potato 46,850 76, , ,874 Wheat 8,325 12, ,092 15,850 Cassava 2,812 4, ,792 8,197 Peas TOTAL 103, , , , ,
I. Economic development… Agriculture ………… Cash crop plantation (ha) CROP 2010/ / / / /2015Total Coffee Tea Stevie Vegetables
I. Economic development……… 1.1.Agriculture ………… Cash crop productions (T ) CROP 2010/ / / / /2015 Total Cherries , , Tea leaves8,7449,69813, , , ,
I. Economic development……… Promotion of the coffee zoning policy where each production zone has its respective coffee washing station. i.e. 5 zones and 5CWSs, In partnership with R&B Import- Export, the District established the coffee contract farming by which farmers receive technical support and supply cherries to the investor. Coffee plantations totalize 255ha, 8
I. Economic development…… Agriculture……… Seeds production and development Multiplication of orange sweet potatoes cuttings: Ha, Construction of green houses at Rukozo and Cyinzuzi, 9