Comprehensive Plan 2008 Adopted September 2008
What is a Comprehensive Plan? Guide for the future growth of the Town – Intended to facilitate decision-making Identifies issues and documents community values – Vision & Mission Statements – Goals & Objectives Basis for zoning and zoning decisions Basis for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
How is the Comp Plan organized? Section I: Snapshot (Facts Population: 21,500) Section II: Visioning (Gathering Public Input) Section III: Goals & Objectives (What We Want) Section IV: Plan Recommendations (How We Get There) – Livability Chapter – Land Use Chapter – Transportation Chapter – Growth Strategy Chapter Section V: Implementation (What We Do to Get What We Want)
Visioning Exercises Visual Character Survey Strengths / Weaknesses Survey Vision Statement Development
Strengths and Weaknesses Survey 300 respondents to a mail survey 30 respondents to an online survey
Best Characteristics 1. Small Town Feel - 40% 2. Lake - 26% 3. Growth - 22% 4. Community Activities/Involvement - 12% 5. Town Services Police/Fire/Communication - 12%
Worst Characteristics 1. Roads/Traffic - 58% 2. Lack of Code Enforcement - 34% 3. Lack of Retail/Jobs/Industry - 26% 4. Infrastructure- Treatment Plant/Water – 14% 5. Lack of a sense of community - 14%
Important Issues Facing Town 1. Roads and Traffic - 60% 2. Keeping up with Growth - 36% 3. Schools and Parks - 12% 4. Image of the Town - 11% 5. Infrastructure - 11%
Citizens Want … 1. Community Facilities - Community Center/Parks - 41% 2. Improved Transportation/Roads - 34% 3. More Retail Services – 34% 4. Improved Image - 12% 5. Town Center – 6%
Vision Statement Definition: A vision statement spells out goals or values at a high level. Questions to consider: What should the town become? What is overall purpose of the community? What does the community value?
Vision Statement The Town of Little Elm is dedicated to cultivating a unique and desirable lakeside destination for all people to live, work, and play while enjoying a natural, safe, vibrant, and sustainable community.
Mission Statement Definition: A mission statement is a concise statement of strategy or objectives that fits with the vision statement. Questions to consider: How will the Town achieve or work towards achieving or furthering the vision? What objectives or actions should be taken?
Mission Statement The Mission of the Town of Little Elm is to build upon our unique lake opportunities and small town charm, encourage diverse housing choices and employment opportunities, and provide quality services and infrastructure.
What are Goals & Objectives and how do they fit into the framework of the plan? Goals & Objectives: “What We Want” Policies: “How We Get There” Implementation Action: “What We Do to Get What We Want”
What are Goals & Objectives and how do they fit into the framework of the plan? Goal: General Statement of a Principle or Value “What We Want” Objective: More Specific or Tangible Description of a Principle or Value “What We Want” Goal: General Statement of a Principle or Value “What We Want” Objective: More Specific or Tangible Description of a Principle or Value “What We Want” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Policy “How We Get There” Implementation Action “What We Do to Get What We Want” Implementation Action “What We Do to Get What We Want” Implementation Action “What We Do to Get What We Want” Implementation Action “What We Do to Get What We Want”
Comprehensive Plan 2008