Federal Accountability/ AYP Update Accountability TETN April 19, 2011 Shannon Housson and Ester Regalado TEA, Performance Reporting Division
2 AYP Topics Preview of 2011 and Texas AYP Workbook AYP Timeline Use of TPM in AYP Graduation Rate Targets Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision Expansion of Accountability Pairing Application Requested Amendments for reporting 2012 AYP
AYP Preview 2011 AYP Timeline April/May Expected USDE approval of requested amendments to the 2011 Texas AYP Workbook. Texas has tentative approval of 2011 calculation. Thursday May 19, 2011 Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap available online. June2011 AYP Guide released
AYP Preview (cont.) 2011 AYP Timeline Friday, June 24, 2011 Deadline for Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap. Last Week of July TEASE release of Preliminary 2011 AYP Data Tables without AYP/SIP labels for all districts and campuses. First Week of August Public release of Preliminary 2011 AYP/SIP statuses for all districts and campuses.
AYP Preview (cont.) 2011 AYP Timeline First Week of September Appeals and Federal Cap Exceptions Deadline. November/ December Final 2011 AYP Status released. Preview of NCLB School Report Card data (Part I only). JanuaryPublic release of the NCLB Report Card.
AYP Calculation Preview Use of TPM in AYP Final decisions on the use of TPM in 2011 AYP calculations are expected later this week.
AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) 2011 AYP performance standards increase to: 80% in Reading/English language arts 75% in Mathematics Participation Rate and Attendance Rate indicator standards remain unchanged.
AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) Graduation Rate Goals/Targets The graduation rate calculations approved by the United States Department of Education (USDE) include five alternatives for districts and campuses to meet the required goal and targets: 4-year longitudinal Annual Graduation Rate Goal of 90.0%. 5-year longitudinal Annual Graduation Rate Target of 80%.
AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) Graduation Rate Goals/Targets 4-year Annual Graduation Rate Target of 75% 4-year Graduation Rate Alternatives: o Safe Harbor Target A 10.0 percent decrease in difference between the prior year 4-year Graduation Rate and the 90.0 percent statewide goal o Improvement Target A 1.0 percent increase from the prior year 4-year Graduation Rate
Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision Students who are Two or More Races will be evaluated in “All Students” and not among any of the individual racial student groups. However, a new provision, the Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision, will be employed. The provision applies to: AYP Reading and Mathematics Performance/Participation results 2011 only 2011 AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) 10
Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision Selected students who are Two or More Races will be distributed into either the African American or White groups based on the information submitted on the TAKS answer documents for these same students under the former definitions. Selected students are those multiracial students reporting both Black/African American and White racial categories. If the recalculated African American and White student group performance/participation rates allow the campus or district to meet AYP, the Meets AYP status will be assigned AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) 11
Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision A message will appear on any campus or district federal accountability/AYP data table indicating the Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision was used. Assessment results will not be changed. The official AYP data for the Reading/Mathematics (performance and participation) indicator will be the data that does not include the multiracial students in the separate student groups. Further details about the Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision will be outlined in the 2011 AYP Guide AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) 12
Federal Race/Ethnicity Provision In order to monitor possible manipulation of the race/ethnicity data for accountability purposes, the agency plans to conduct analyses to identify districts and campuses with significant discrepancies between the percent of students who are classified as Two or More Races on the spring 2011 assessment documents and the fall 2010 PEIMS enrollment files. Because districts and campuses will have the benefit of rating evaluations calculated under two student group options, no appeals related to the new race and ethnicity definitions will be considered for any indicator in AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) 13
AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) Expansion of State Accountability Pairing Requests for PK/K Campuses As a result of the May, 2010 Title I monitoring review, the USDE recommended that Texas provide AYP evaluations for PK/K campuses. To meet this requirement, the existing state accountability pairing application is expanded to implement pairing assignments for PK/K campuses for federal accountability AYP purposes only. The pairing process for PK/K campuses in AYP will be similar to the AYP pairing of campuses for results in past years.
AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) Expansion of State Accountability Pairing Requests for PK/K Campuses The 2010 AYP Guide describes the AYP pairing process: If the small campus or district missed AYP, the results at the all students level will be applied to the paired campus for the subject. Campuses that do not have such a pairing relationship will have their district’s performance (again, at the all students level) applied to the campus.
AYP Calculation Preview (cont.) Expansion of State Accountability Pairing Requests for PK/K Campuses For 2011 AYP, the pairing process is adjusted slightly for PK/K campuses : For PK/K campuses, if the information was not provided through the TEASE pairing application, campus pairing decisions will be assigned by TEA. The assignment will be based on analysis of attendance and enrollment patterns; an assignment may be made to the district results. Results at the all students level will be applied to the paired campus for the subject.
17 Texas AYP Workbook The USDE has offered tentative approval of the 2011 AYP amendment requests. Requested Amendments for 2012 AYP TEA will submit a modified amendment request for 2012 AYP. The option to carry forward 2011 AYP and maintain School Improvement Program (SIP) intervention stages status for all campuses and districts was not approved. A series of bridge studies are planned by the test contractor to identify the existing TAKS performance standards on the new STAAR assessments for tests on which STAAR performance standards will not yet be available. Grade 3–8 bridge studies are expected to be completed in the summer of 2012.
18 Texas AYP Workbook (cont.) Possible Amendments for 2012 AYP Conduct 2012 AYP evaluations for all campuses and districts using 2011–2012 TAKS results for Grade 10 and 2011–2012 STAAR results for Grade 3–8 at the TAKS proficiency standard AYP results may be completed by August, Consider Graduation Rate target amendment requests given that the 2012 graduation rate targets are applied to every student group. Note that this is one option presented in the House Bill 3 Transition Plan, Chapter 16, page III – 4 (see
19 AYP Resources The 2011 AYP amendment summary and 2011 TETN presentations are accessible at AYP Pairing Explanation document may be accessed through the TEA Security Environment (TEASE) Accountability Website TEASE access forms for district staff access are available at:
20 AYP Resources (cont.) For more information on AYP results and Title I School Improvement Program (SIP) status history reports are accessible at Texas AYP Workbook is accessible at Frequently Asked Questions about AYP are available at U.S. Department of Education information is available at Contact the Division of Performance Reporting by at or phone at (512)
21 AYP Federal Cap TETN Reminder! 2011 Training on the Federal Cap A review of the federal cap process will be provided through a district accessible Texas Education Telecommunications Network (TETN) session on Friday, May 20, 2011 from 9am-12pm. (Event # 10007) Campus Priority List for 2% Federal Cap will be released on May 19, Deadline for 2011 Campus Priority List for 2% Federal Cap is June 24, 2011.