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How many towns make up Community ISD?
How many square miles?
1.Grand Heritage NeSmith 2.Fountain View McClendon 3.Nevada Lakes McClendon 4.Kingsgate Country McClendon 5.High Meadow McClendon 6.Meadow Creek NeSmith 7.Hilltop Estates NeSmith 8.Estates of Lakeshore McClendon COMMUNITY ISD TOP SELLING SUBDIVISIONS Annual Closings 2015 VDL’S Left Annual Starts 2015 Future Lots Occupied Homes Elementary Zone
Median Resale Home Price for 2015 in CISD?
COMMUNITY ISD PRE-OWNED HOME SALES (Single-family detached/non-builder sales only) 47 resales in the 4th quarter 174 total resales in 2015 (same pace as 2014) In 2015 the district’s median resale price climbs to $188, % vs. 2014
10 Demographers project that Collin County will grow by 386 percent over the next 35 years, with the addition of more than 3 million residents growing its population from 782,341 to 3.8 million.
Which grade levels are growing the fastest? PreK – 5 th grade 6 th – 8 th grade 9 th – 12 th grade
54% of district’s enrollment growth over the past three years occurred at the elementary level (PK-5 th )
14 DISTRICT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS (PK-12) FALL FALL % 3.3% 5.9% Avg. 4.3% Avg. 2.8% 10-Yr Average Annual Growth Rate
The Brave Nation CISD Students 1,900 CISD Staff 206
We believe that success is non- negotiable. Community ISD Core Value
We provide a safe and caring learning environment. Community ISD Core Value
We invest in positive relationships. Community ISD Core Value
We make decisions driven by data. Community ISD Core Value
We value trust and expect honesty. Community ISD Core Value
We are transparent and embrace accountability. Community ISD Core Value
State Accountability 101 Understanding STAAR
Old Accountability System TAKS Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skill Accountability ratings of Unacceptable, Acceptable, Recognized, and Exemplary ended in 2011 no state accountability ratings were assigned in Community ISD – Academically Acceptable 2009 and 2010 Community ISD – Recognized 2008 Community ISD – Academically Acceptable
What is the NEW Accountability System Called?
New Accountability STAAR STAAR - State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Born in Given to students in grades 3-8 and to students taking high school level courses in Algebra I, English I and II, U. S. History and biology Harder than previous state tests and the passing standards and performance index targets continue to go up District and Campus Ratings: Met Standard or Improvement Required Distinctions awarded for outperforming your designated peer group
Report Cards Index 1: Student Achievement Index 2: Student Progress Measures student progress and provides an opportunity for districts and campuses to receive credit for improving student performance independent of overall student achievement. Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps Emphasizes the academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students and the two lowest-performing racial/ethnic student groups. Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Emphasizes the role of elementary and middle schools in preparing students for the rigors of high school, and the importance of earning a high school diploma that provides students with the foundation necessary for success in college, the workforce, job training programs, or the military. See Community ISD’s 2015 Report Card and CHS Report Card See Community ISD’s 2015 Report CardCHS Report Card
2015 STAAR Comparison (3 rd – 5 th grades)
2015 STAAR Comparison (6 th – 8 th grades)
2015 STAAR Comparison (High School)
2014 to 2015 STAAR Growth
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