Part of Lot 56, Concession 3 WGR, Plan RP17R2390 Part 1 (geographic Township of Bentinck), Municipality of West Grey
The effect of the subject zoning by-law amendment (ZBLA) would be to permit two mini-storage buildings, as well as a contractors yard on the subject property. The maximum total size of the buildings devoted to the businesses on-site would be 1,525 m 2. The property is approximately 0.8 hectares in size and is located between Durham and Allan Park on the south side of Grey Road 4. The subject property is designated as ‘Agricultural’ in the County Official Plan. The subject ZBLA does not conform to the County Official Plan and is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) as it is not agriculturally related and does not qualify as a secondary use on the property i.e. the business would be the primary use. Furthermore the County Plan does not permit small scale commercial / industrial uses on non-farm sized parcels in the Agricultural designation. The subject property currently has a commercial zoning, however the current zoning would not contemplate the uses as proposed.
THAT the County of Grey appeal Municipality of West Grey Zoning By-law Amendment By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board, as it does not conform to the County Official Plan and is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;