Five Major World Religions Origins, beliefs, and locations
What are the five major religions? Judaism Christianity Islam Buddhism Hinduism
Where did the five religions originate? Buddhism and Hinduism both originated in India
Where did the five religions originate? Christianity and Judaism originated in Jerusalem/Palestine (Israel)
Where did the five religions originate? Islam originated in Saudi Arabia (Mecca/Medina)
What were the Location of the major religions in 1500? Judaism – Europe and the Middle East Christianity – Europe and the Middle East Islam – Parts of Asia, N. Africa and south eastern Europe Hinduism – India and parts of Southeast Asia Buddhism – East and Southeast Asia
Christianity J Islam B Hindu
Location of Major Religions in 2011 Judaism – Israel and North America Christianity – Europe, North and South America Islam – Middle East , Africa and South East Asia Hinduism – India Buddhism – East and Southeast Asia
What are the characteristics of Hinduism? Origin India Founders Aryans Beliefs Henothesitic- Belief in many forms of one God (Brahma) Reincarnation: Rebirth based upon karma Karma: Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences Caste System- social status that you are born into you can not move up only down Sacred Texts Vedas and Upanishads Spread Spread along major trade routes
What are the characteristics of Buddhism? Origin India Founder Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Beliefs Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path to Enlightenment Sacred Texts Sutras and Tripataka Spread Asoka’s missionaries and their writings spread Buddhism from India to China and other parts of Asia.
What are the characteristics of Judaism? Origin Jerusalem Founder Abraham Important Prophet Moses Beliefs Monotheism- Belief in one God (Yahweh) Ten Commandments of moral and religious conduct Sacred Text Torah, which contains the written records and beliefs of the Jews Ten Commandments, which state moral and religious conduct Spread of Judaism Exile- when being forced to live outside of Palestine/Israel Diaspora- establishing Jewish communities outside of Palestine/Israel
What are the characteristics of Christianity? Origin: Jerusalem (Had its roots in Judaism) Founder: Was led by Jesus of Nazareth, who was proclaimed the Messiah and his disciples Conflicts Conflicted with polytheistic beliefs of Roman Empire and that the government/empire came before God Beliefs, traditions, and customs of Christianity Monotheism Jesus as both Son and incarnation of God Life after death Sacred Text Old Testament and New Testament, containing accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus, as well as writings of early Christians (Bible) Doctrine Christian doctrines established by early church councils (Trent and Nicaea) Spread of Christianity Popularity of the message Early martyrs inspired others Carried by the Apostles, including Paul, throughout the Roman Empire
What are the characteristics of Islam? Origin Mecca and Medina (Arabian Peninsula present day Saudi Arabia) Founder Muhammad, the Prophet Beliefs Monotheism: Allah (Arabic word for God) Five Pillars of Islam- Faith, Prayer, Pilgrimage, Charity, Fasting Acceptance of Judeo-Christian prophets, including Moses and Jesus Sacred Text Qur’an: The word of God Spread of Islam Across Asia and Africa and into Spain Geographic extent of first Muslim empire