Correlation Coefficients of Religious Orientation & Psychological Well-Being Participants 118 male and 381 female undergraduate students at Eastern Kentucky University who were enrolled in a psychology course. Materials & Procedure Participants completed a lengthy online questionnaire assessing variables, including gender, religious orientation, and current psychological well-being. Abstract MethodResults and Implications Introduction Chart Key Green = Positive Association Red = Negative Association Black = Non-Significant Association * p < 0.05 This study examines the relationship between an individual’s Christian religious orientation and their positive and negative effects on psychological well-being. Religious orientation was defined as Extrinsic, Intrinsic, Quest, or Orthodoxy. Extrinsic association is defined as outside forces that motivate an individual’s religious standing. Intrinsic association is defined as the internal forces driving one’s religious standing. Quest is defined as being in a state of searching for knowledge and answers to religious questions. Orthodoxy is defined as holding fundamentalist Christian views. Genia’s (1996) research on the link between religious orientation and well- being found: Quest is associated with lower self-esteem and higher depression Intrinsic orientation is connected to lower depression scores Extrinsic and Orthodoxy are unrelated to psychological well-being In the current study, it was hypothesized that differences would emerge between the sexes. Religious orientation and psychological well-being was not significantly correlated for males. Psychological well-being for females was significantly correlated with Intrinsic, Quest, and Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy produced the most positive well- being scores. Quest produced the most negative well-being scores. Church communities can take advantage of this information to identify and aid struggling female congregants. In summary, specific religious orientations can either positively or negatively impact the psychological well-being of females. Religious Orientation and Psychological Wellness Jeremy GibsonJonathan S. Gore Eastern Kentucky University Self- Esteem Life Satisfaction HopeMeaningful Life StressDepressionSelf- Esteem Life Satisfaction HopeMeaningful Life StressDepression Extrinsic Intrinsic *.21*.07.23*-.13* -.17* Quest *-.13* *.18* Orthodoxy *.16*.32*-.15* -.25* MaleFemale In the present study, the association between religious orientation and wellness was examined, as well as the differences between men and women. College students (n = 501) took an online survey regarding their Christian religious orientation and current psychological wellness. It was predicted that differences in the interaction between religious orientation and psychological well-being would emerge between the sexes. Results of the study showed significant differences among gender. Male ratings (n = 118) showed no sig- nificant correlation with any positive or negative psychological wellness charac- teristics. Women’s ratings (n = 381) showed significant correlations within Intrinsic, Quest, and Orthodoxy religious orientations. These results indicate that female’s religious orientation has a significant association with their psychological well-being.