Cyberbullying Internet Safety
What is Cyber-bullying? Cyber-bullying is repeatedly hurting someone else through the use of technology. So, instead of whispering a rumor to a friend, a bully might or instant message that rumor or post it on the internet for everyone to see! Or the bully might use technology to ignore you. An example of this would be a friend all of a sudden ignoring your s or instant messages.
blogs instant messaging/IM chat rooms text messaging/texting Ways people bully with technology:
Here are some tips that may help protect you from cyber-bullying: Don’t give out personal information online, whether in instant message profiles, chat rooms, blogs, or on web sites. Don’t tell anyone your or instant messaging passwords, even your friends. If someone sends a mean or threatening message, don't respond. Save it and show it to a trusted adult. Don’t be a cyber-bully. There are consequences to pay.
What to do if it happens to you: 1) Save and Print the hurtful messages before you log off of the computer and do NOT respond or reply to the messages or texts 2) Tell an adult right away! 3) People who can help you at school are: You School Counselor Your Teachers or Principal Your Librarian
Don’t YOU be a Cyber- Bully!