Biology ( large branch of science) Study of all forms of life (plants, animals and humans) Anatomy Shape and structure Relationship of one body part to another Physiology Function Coordinate to form a complete living organism Remember structural organization
Gross Anatomy Large, easily observable structures Naked eye Microscopic Anatomy Small structures with use of microscope Cytology (cells) Histology (tissues) Developmental Anatomy Growth and development throughout lifetime Embryology (fertilized egg to birth) Comparative Anatomy Comparing humans to animals Systematic Anatomy Organs or parts of organ system Dermatology, Endocrinology, Neurology Remember structural organization
Essential Questions How is the human body organized? What are the structural components of the body? How does the body’s structural organization relate to its support and movement? Remember structural organization
5 Atoms or Ions Molecules Organelles Cells Tissues Organs Organ Systems Organism
Composed of: Remember structural organization
Types of tissues: Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue Remember structural organization
Epithelial Tissue- protects the body by covering internal and external surfaces, and produces secretions Skin covers the outside of the body lines the inside of the body Membrane two thin layers of tissue that join together cells may secrete a fluid Remember structural organization
Epithelial tissues Squamous Cuboidal Columnar Remember structural organization
Connective tissue- supports and connects organs and tissue in the body Adipose- type of connective tissue that stores fat cells. Cushions, supports and insulates the body Cartilage- firm, flexible support of the embryonic skeleton and part of the adult skeleton Tendons- white bands of connective tissue attaching skeletal muscle to bone Ligaments - strong, flexible bands of connective tissue that hold bones firmly together at the joints Remember structural organization
Connective tissue Adipose FibrocartilageElastic cartilage Remember structural organization
Muscle tissue- contracts and moves a body part Cardiac involuntary contracts the heart muscle to pump blood Skeletal voluntary attached to the movable parts of the skeleton Smooth involuntary provides movement in various body systems (digestive, genitourinary, respiratory tract, blood and lymphatic vessels Remember structural organization
Muscle tissue Cardiac Skeletal Smooth Remember structural organization
Nervous tissue- reacts to stimulation and conducts an impulse Neurons in brain, spinal cord and nerves Remember structural organization
Nervous tissue Remember structural organization Neuron
Remember structural organization
Remember structural organization Gives shape Protects structures Muscle attachment Blood formation Stores minerals Skull Spinal column Ribs and sternum Shoulder girdle Extremities Pelvic girdle
Remember structural organization Posture Body heat Movement Skeletal Cardiac Smooth
Remember structural organization Click here to hear heartbeat Carries oxygen and nourishment to cells Brings waste from cells Heart Arteries Veins Capillaries
Remember structural organization Provides body’s defense Lymph fluid Lymphatic vessels Lymph nodes Spleen Thymus gland
Remember structural organization Aquires oxygen Rids body of carbon dioxide Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Lungs
Remember structural organization Prepares food for use by body cells Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Intestines Liver Gallbladder Pancreas
Remember structural organization Body temperature Protective barrier Eliminate waste Vitamin D synthesis Receptors for pain, pressure and temperature Epidermis Dermis Sweat glands Oil glands
Remember structural organization Communicates Controls body activity Coordinates body activity Brain Nerves Spinal cord
Remember structural organization The Tongue The Skin
Remember structural organization Filtering blood Ridding body of waste products Kidneys Bladder Ureters Urethra
Remember structural organization Manufacture hormones to regulate organ activity As shown in photo
Remember structural organization FemaleMale Reproduces human beings Organs as shown
Remember structural organization
Remember structural organization Anatomical position Standing erect, face forward, arms at side, palms forward
Remember structural organization Anatomical position /ViewObject.aspx?I D=AP15305 Important in determining specific locations of a structure or organ, or the relative position of one body part to another.
Remember structural organization Directional terms See Handout
Remember structural organization Directional terms See Handout
Remember structural organization Directional terms See Handout
Remember structural organization Body planes See Handout wisc- Objects/Vie wObject.asp x?ID=AP1560 5
Remember structural organization Body cavities ww.wisc- online.c om/Obj ects/Vie wObject.aspx?ID =AP15505
Remember structural organization
Remember structural organization
Essential Questions How is the human body organized? What are the structural components of the body? How does the body’s structural organization relate to its support and movement? Remember structural organization