Timeline of the History of Video Production By: Cole Christen
1727 Johann H. Schulze, a German physicist, discovers that silver salts turn dark when exposed to light in
1879 The first moving pictures were displayed on an invention called the Zoopraxiscope, it was a device created by Eadweard Muybridge in ticleID=1104
1885 George Easton creates film using paper rolls.
1888 George Eastman events Kodak camera which is lightweight, inexpensive, and using film on wound rollers. lm_chron.cfm
1894 The first public kinetoscope parlor was in New York City in
1895 Louis Lumiere is often credited as inventing the first motion picture camera in equipment.html
1906 First animated cartoon is created. /film_chron.cfm
1917 In 1917, Dutch-born Iwan Serrurier invented a machine that would allow the public to watch movies in their own homes. eID=1104
1917 First African-American owned film studio.
1928 Mickey Mouse is introduced in the cartoon steamboat Willie. m_chron.cfm
1933 Theaters begin to open refreshment stands.
1934 First drive in movie theater opens in New Jersey. ron.cfm
1955 Sony introduces japans transistors radio. ne.jpg
1956 The video recorder was made in 1956 in World War 2. video-production-equipment.html
1965 Sony launches first IC radio. s/timeline.jpg
1975 Sony introduces video tape recorder.
1984 Sony launches the Discman.
1982 Sony introduces first CD player.
1985 Sony released the 8mm camcorder.
1999 The first digital recorder was made by Sony in They used a D-1 format witch recorded uncompressed video. equipment.html