EDR in the context of the context of the general safety Regulation Second CDR User Summit Europe 26 June Antony Lagrange - DG GROWTH, Unit C4 Automotive and Mobility industries
The EU vehicle type-approval legal system Type= Vehicles having the same characteristics may be grouped together for testing/certification. No need to test each vehicle. Approval=Ex-ante third party certification (vs self certification in the US) before the vehicle type may be put on the market. Approval=Conformity of production. The manufacturer has to show that he fully manages issues relating to conformity of production Certification based on fully harmonized requirements (performance oriented) for test/certification. Mutual recognition of approvals (certified once, accepted everywhere in the EU!). More and more based on international Regulations (UN) Mandatory for cars from 1998, motorcycles from 2003 and trucks/buses from
4 the number of the UN Regulations are in square brackets
Regulation 661/2009 (Vehicle General safety) 5 Regulatory simplification: Replacement of 50 directives on vehicle safety by the corresponding UNECE Regulations to promote wider harmonisation through UNECE Main political topics remain in the EU, e.g. mandatory fitting of new systems
Regulation (EC) 661/2009 ‡ Main type-approval requirements for the General Safety of motor vehicles, trailers, components etc. Lists detailed implementing measures and vehicle types to which each applies. Phase-in mostly completed 11/2014. Examples: Tyre pressure monitoring systems on cars Electronic stability control on cars, vans, trucks and buses Advanced emergency braking systems on trucks and buses ‡ Amended by Commission Regulations (EU) 407/2011, 523/2012 and 2015/166
Reporting Regulation 661/2009 requires to report periodically to the European Parliament and the Council Commission has been undertaking the review: Review of possible considerations for legislation New safety features that meet the Road Safety policy orientations General Safety Regulation Study
Objectives of the study Provide an overview of the feasibility and cost- benefit of over 50 unregulated measures for General Safety Divided in 4 main groups Active safety Car occupant plus Pedestrian/Cyclist safety Crashworthiness, Truck safety and Fuel fire safety Driver interface, Distraction and Intelligent Transport Systems Published in April 2015 in the EUBookshop Published in April 2015 in the EUBookshop
Methodology Differentiate those measures very likely, moderately likely or very unlikely to provide a benefit consistent with the cost of implementation Also, to specifically advise on the necessity and feasibility of adding standard hip to bonnet leading edge and head on windscreen testing for the pedestrian safety regulation The outcome provides an overview with Benefit to Cost information as preparation for the forthcoming Commission's Communication in 2015 to the European Parliament and the Council as part of the reporting obligations in the legislation.
'Green', 'orange' or 'red' measures Link to the study: new-technologies-and-unregulated-measures-in-the-field-of-vehicle-occupant-safety-and- protection-of-vulnerable-road-users-pbNB /
What about EDR? /
New momentum for EDR: Automated vehicles: 12
Legal issues: Specific case of automated vehicles Short term: No big issues identified at EU level or the upcoming systems (up to level 3) Traffic rules apply for testing/unregulated systems Longer-term: Insurance/Liability/defect issues as the vehicle takes over the driving tasks Type-approval: interaction driver-vehicle (HMI, automated driving strategy, etc) Driving licence, traffic rules,etc Data privacy issues more linked to connected vehicles: security, data sharing, privacy, etc. 13
What's next? : Communication to the legislator (Council and European Parliament) proposing a way forward and based on the study 2016: Following the discussion on the Communication, possible proposal for legislation to the legislator Council and European Parliament accompanied with a full impact assessment of the envisaged measures. Legislative process= 2-3 years In parallel: Possible consideration of harmonized requirements on EDR in a UN Regulation (format and set of data): e.pdfhttp:// e.pdf Other issues: Open access vs data protection framework in the EU. Experience with Repair and maintenance information framework.
DG GROWTH, Unit C4 For further information please contact: Antony Lagrange: 15