PEFC Lietuva PEFC strategies for SFM in Family Forestry in Lithuania Presentation by: Halina Petrulevic.


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Presentation transcript:

PEFC Lietuva PEFC strategies for SFM in Family Forestry in Lithuania Presentation by: Halina Petrulevic

PEFC Lietuva The Forest Owners Association of Lithuania (FOAL) founded in ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILY FORESTRY FOAL activities are based on a voluntary basis, no permanent employed staff yet. Financing of activities is based on membership fees and project funding. Over 3000 members Network of 38 local Forest Owners Associations Private Forest Extension Centre, established by FOAL, CoAL and DFE 2001 for extension service development “PEFC Lietuva” – Governing Body for development of National forest certification scheme under PEFC umbrella

PEFC Lietuva 1. The average area of private forest is 4 ha 2. PEFCC helps to accredit national forest certification system on international level 3. PEFC Lietuva can implement private forest certification cheaper than comparing to other systems WHY PEFC?

PEFC Lietuva PEFC Lithuania development process 3 February, The Initiative group for establishment of PEFC Certification Scheme in Lithuania and later - PEFC National Coordination Group for Lithuania is formed from all interested stockholders (private forest owners, NGO's, state forest service, forest industries, research institutions etc) and work to develop national scheme of PEFC 24 March, 2000 PEFC Seminar (first) in Vilnius, Introduction of Swedish PEFC Scheme by Mr. Sven Lundell.

PEFC Lietuva 9 October, PEFC scheme and Accreditation Seminar in Vilnius by PEFC Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. A co-ordination committee on PEFC scheme implementation in the Baltic countries has been set. Second draft of PEFC Lithuania Statutes developed. March, 2000 The forest certification component of cooperation project between FOAL and LRF started to develop PEFC based National scheme of forest certification. First draft of PEFC Lithuania Statutes developed. Going on. May 29-31, 2000.The participation of Lithuanian delegation in Seminar on certification of Sustainable Forest Management by Pan EuropeanForest Certification (PEFC) in Riga, LATVIA

PEFC Lietuva 31 October-6 November Field activities to develop PEFC Lithuania Technical Document started (FOAL/LRF project, experts Sven Lundell and Börje Drakenberg) April, PEFC Seminar about forest certification for forest owners in Moletai (selected 3 owners for group test certification in Pilot Operation Area ) October, 2001 Conference "Promoting Environmental Protection and Sustainable Utilisation of Lithuania's Private Forests" in Vilnius (Dr. Christian Brawenz, Vice President of PEFC Council and Secretary General of the Austrian Woodland Owners represent PEFC)

PEFC Lietuva 6-8 March 2002, PEFC seminar in Moletai and Vilnius. Summing up and evaluation of the FOAL Pilot Operation experiences Pilot operations Group sertification (200 ha in Moletai area, Lithuania) and certification documents : experts Börje Drakenberg; Jonas Grigaliunas; Antanas Zulys Summing up and evaluation of the FOAL Pilot Operation experiences Pilot operations Group sertification (200 ha in Moletai area, Lithuania) and certification documents : experts Börje Drakenberg; Jonas Grigaliunas; Antanas Zulys Conclusions regarding FOAL Forest Certification Project : experts Börje Drakenberg; Sven Lundell Conclusions regarding FOAL Forest Certification Project : experts Börje Drakenberg; Sven Lundell Presentation of PEFC policies and Organizational principles. Continue evaluation of FOAL Forest Certification Project by Ben Gunneberg, PEFC Council Secretary General) Presentation of PEFC policies and Organizational principles. Continue evaluation of FOAL Forest Certification Project by Ben Gunneberg, PEFC Council Secretary General)

PEFC Lietuva 22 November 2002, Participation at PEFCC General Assembly in Luxembourg, application for membership. P ending confirmation of formal registration PEFC Lithuania has been provisionally accepted by PEFCC General Assembly as a member of the PEFC Council 20 May 2003, public non profit organization “PEFC Lietuva” – Governing Body for development of National forest certification scheme under PEFC umbrella formaly registred

PEFC Lietuva Constitution meeting of PEFC Lithuania Council. Constitution meeting of PEFC Lithuania Council. PEFC Lithuania Council - consist from representatives of: PEFC Lithuania Council - consist from representatives of: Forest owners organisations Forest owners organisations State and Local Government Forests representatives State and Local Government Forests representatives Research, education, inventory and certification organisations Research, education, inventory and certification organisations Forestry contractors Forestry contractors Wood industry companies Wood industry companies Wood trading companies Wood trading companies Environment protection organisations Environment protection organisations Farmers organisations Farmers organisations Labour union organisations Forest owners organisations Labour union organisations Forest owners organisations

PEFC Lietuva Working groups established for assessment of PEFC Lithuania technical document 1. Conformity of documents to environment requirements 2 Conformity of documents to organization of forest work, safety and economic activity requirements 3 Conformity of documents to the requirements of Lithuanian Laws 4 Assessment of Chain of Custody document suitability for auditing of wood chain

PEFC Lietuva Confirmation of the PEFC Lietuva technical document on PEFC Lietuva Council National consultation (min 60 days) Organizing umbrella organizations for certification of private forests Contractor certification. Training program for contractors is needed Process of accreditation and certification C-o-C Pilot Operation

PEFC Lietuva SUBMISSION FOR ENDORSMENT Application for endorsement on PEFCC. The application will include all necessary documents: Written request for assessment from PEFC National Governing Body Scheme description: development process and implementation arrangements Certification criteria for forest certification Requirements for C-o-C certification Certification procedures applied with relevant reference to international standards defining the competence requirements for auditors, certification bodies and procedures Completed PEFC Council Minimum Requirements Check-list Assessment procedures. International consultations min 60 days

PEFC Lietuva Thank you PEFC Lithuania Kalvariju str , Vilnius, LITHUANIA Ph.: Fax.: Website: This presentation was prepared by: Halina Petrulevic PEFC Lithuania National Secretary