Warm- Up 2/3/16 Name 3 physical features of Sub-Saharan Africa. (ex. The name of a lake, a river, and a mountain) ANSWER: EX. Lake Tanganyika, The Congo River, and Mount Kilimanjaro *ANSWERS CAN VARY*
The Climate & Vegetation of Sub- Saharan Africa
Standard SSWG4 The student will describe the interaction of physical and human systems that have shaped contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. a. Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on Sub-Saharan Africa. b. Describe the major climates of Sub-Saharan Africa and how they have affected the development of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Tropical Climates
Tropical Zone Tropics - Africa has largest tropical area of any continent - 90% of Africa lies between tropics of Cancer & Capricorn - High temperatures year around
Rain Forest The major rain forests of Africa sit on the equator in the area of the Congo Basin One square acre of rain forest can contain almost 100 different kinds of trees Because the canopy (upper layer of branches) is so thick with plants, leaves, and trees, the air below the canopy is so hot and humid that vegetation quickly decomposes
Savanna Covers almost half of continent Seasonal rainfall with alternating wet and dry seasons Wettest areas are close to the Equator. 6 months of daily rain, 6 months of dry season. Average rainfall is about 35 to 45 inches
Serengeti Plain Tropical Grassland Northern Tanzania It’s dry climate and hard soil prevent the growth of trees and many crops, but they are perfect for growing grass It is the place where the largest numbers of land mammals still make annual migrations
Dry Climates
Steppe Separates the savanna from the desert. Extends to the southern tip of the continent
Sahel A narrow band of dry grassland that runs east to west along the southern edge of the Sahara People use the land for farming and herding
Kalahari Desert Located in Southern Africa Does receive small amounts of rainfall Temperatures in the summer are very hot (120 degrees to 50 degrees)