Session 19 RTI,Allahabad 1
Learning Objective: At the end of session, the participants understand the process of reconciliation of treasury accounts and posting of accounts and accounting of March Supplementary. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 2
Session Overview: Reconciliation of Treasury Accounts is an important function of the System. In this process, the System reconciles the LOP/Cash Accounts with vouchers and Challans with corresponding MH/Minor Head wise figure given by treasury. The reconciliation process is to be done by individual section dealing with particular accounting head. Similarly, for compiled accounts, the process reconciles the accounts in the first part (MH wise for service heads and minor head wise for DDR heads) with the second part (Classified Abstracts). Session 19RTI,Allahabad 3
Contd… The posting of authorized data will lead to be recognized as an accounting record and thereby being posted in the Detail Book. Similarly, TEs are posted to give accounting impact. Posting of data is based on certain posting logic, the details are dealt in the STM. The figures captured by PWD and Forest are being appended in the respective tables to give final figure of the whole State. The instructor should give a brief idea behind reconciliation and posting of data in VLC system. If possible the participants may be exposed to VLC system Session 19RTI,Allahabad 4
Course Structure: Reconciliation of treasury accounts. Reconciliation of LOP/Cash accounts with vouchers and challans. Reconciliation of compiled accounts- Major Head/Minor Head wise with Classified Abstract. Posting of Loan Challan Appending of data captured by PWD / Forest account compilation. Accounting of March Supplementary (13th month account) Exercise 19.1 and Group discussion Session 19RTI,Allahabad 5
Reconciliation of Treasury accounts Reconciliation of List of Payment / Cash Account with Vouchers / Challans Introduction This function compares the MH/ Minor Head wise totals derived by the gross total of amounts keyed in from the vouchers with the corresponding MH/ Minor Head wise figures as given by the Treasuries. The detailed reconciliation for 7610, 8009 & 8011 shall however be possible, if LoP & cash a/c have the requisite annexures for these heads. System shall check for this before proceeding with the detailed reconciliation of these heads. This reconciliation process is to be done individually by all the DC sections for the heads of account compiled by them, account source wise & month wise. Reconciliation of LOP/CA with Vouchers/Challans.ppt Session 19RTI,Allahabad 6
Continued… Processing Generate a Reconciliation statement, with the details of LoP/Cash Account figures as Treasury figures (also called Ledger figures), figures from vouchers/ challans as Compiled figures (also called Broad Sheet figures) and compute the respective differences. If reconciliation is successful for this head of account, i.e. Broad Sheet & Ledger figures match, update Monthly Progress Monitoring Parameters to denote this. Pension Heads - For payment side, the Ledger figure is obtained by subtracting refund amount (from cash a/c) from the corresponding total figure of LoP; the Broad sheet figure is the totals of pension vouchers and bank scroll. For receipt side pure receipt figure of Cash a/c is compared with receipt challans. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 7
Continued… Reconciliation of Pension heads MH 2071, 8786, 8793 etc. are done individually (for the purposes of classified abstract the DDR heads 8786, 8793 etc are considered functional minor heads under MH 2071) Deduct Refund vouchers, the figures of these vouchers are totalled with the other vouchers of service head for comparison with the total payment figure of LOP for the service MH. MH 7610, 8009, 8000 & 8011 – Broad sheet figures & ledger figure are compared with reference to the associated service head of account. On receipt side the Broad sheet figure for these heads of accounts shall have figures of deductions from establishment vouchers also (along with the direct challans), as treasury sends the combined figures for receipts in the cash a/c. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 8
Reconciliation of Compiled Accounts - Major Head / Minor Head wise Statement with Classified Abstracts This process reconciles the accounts in the first part (Major Head wise, for Service Heads / Minor Head wise, for DDR heads) with the second part (Classified Abstracts). The processing would be exactly similar to the process defined under Reconciliation of Compiled Accounts under Public Works, Irrigation and Forest compilation module. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 9
Posting of Accounting Transaction Introduction The posting of captured data will be the first step in preparation of accounting reports. This process will lead to the posted record being recognised as an accounting record and thereby, being posted in the Detail Book. Once a record is posted, any alteration will not be permitted on that record for details that have accounting impact. But in case of receipt of missing voucher / challan the flag for missing voucher / challan will be set to 'F' found.. This will not however result in any new record being created. A TE will be passed separately to give accounting impact. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 10
Continued… In case any error is detected in the posted record that requires change in accounts, then the required change can be impacted through Transfer Entry (TE) only. Other details such as DDO code, Error codes etc. which do not have accounting impact can be altered even after posting. In such cases where changes are permitted, the record will be updated with the new values and the old record will be maintained separately for Audit trail purposes. For this purpose the Audit Trail feature of Oracle will be used. This feature keeps track of any modification made to the data by keeping a log for the same separately. So to keep the track for the old records, no separate function will be required to be performed by the system. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 11
Continued… The posting process can be run multiple times. Only authorised records can be selected for posting. In case of records that required multiple authorisations (mis-classified vouchers being accounted to service head of other section, TE impacting heads across sections) the record be available for posting only after all levels of authorisation are completed. For TEs, all the destination sections should have authorised the TE before it can be posted. It would be possible to select multiple records for posting simultaneously. Only functionary authorised for the purpose can execute the posting process for any record. The monetary limits will not be there for the posting of the records. In case of Transfer Entry, only the authorised functionary of the section, which has proposed TE can post it. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 12
Continued… The rules for posting of any accounting transaction will be parameterised through a one-time setup. The heads to be impacted and the accounting impact will be defined during this setup. The setup will define for the type of data source, what the accounting impact should be for single Head of account or given set of Heads of accounts present in the record, for identified list of conditions, when the amounts in the record is either positive or negative. It should be ensured that the rule is unique for the combination of data source, head of account, condition(s), sign and accounting impact. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 13
Continued… Posting of records will be required for following- External Sources i) Primary level compilation List of Payments and Cash Account (Treasury Accounts data store) Vouchers Challans ii)Secondary level compilation Sub Accounts (compiled accounts data store) Classified Abstracts (compiled accounts data store) Internal Sources CTLA i.e. Combined Transfer Ledger Accounts (Transfer Entry data store) Settlement Account (Transfer Entry data store) Session 19RTI,Allahabad 14
Continued… The records will be posted to following data stores Payment Classified Abstracts – Containing details of external account source wise payments, for both primary and secondary level compilation, with break up across plan / non plan and voted / charged Receipt Classified Abstracts – Containing details of external account source wise receipts, for both primary and secondary level compilation Payment Consolidated Abstract – Containing payment details of external account category wise, computed from Payment Classified Abstracts as well as CTLA and Settlement account Receipt Consolidated Abstract – Containing receipt details of external account category wise, computed from Payment Classified Abstracts as well as CTLA and Settlement account Balances Carried Forward – Proforma TEs will be posted only to Balances Carried Forward data store, since they do not have accounting impact. There is no account source wise information. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 15
Continued… The Posting process can be divided into following components: A) Accounting related Component A: Firstly, details that is to be updated as exists, to the Payment/Receipt Classified Abstracts and Payment/Receipt Consolidated Abstracts data store. This will include Account Source, Month of Transaction, Month of Account, Account Head (HoA1 and HoA2) and Grant. Also the document type will be picked from the source data store name. Component B: Amounts The amounts, in case of payments, need to classified into combination of following attributes Plan / Non Plan / Neither Voted / Charged / Neither Debit / Deduct Debit / Part III recovery / Part IV recovery The amounts in case of receipts, will be classified into- Credit / Deduct Credit / Part III recovery / Part IV recovery Session 19RTI,Allahabad 16
Continued… B) Non accounting related Related data stores such as Objection Book and Adjustment Register and Contingency Fund Register are also to be updated, following posting of the record. SLR number is required to be generated for loans vouchers. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 17
Posting of misc. Vouchers (Processing Rules) The amounts on the vouchers (except in the following cases) are debited to the Head of Account as specified. In case of Establishment vouchers, the deductions as specified are Credited (+) to the specific GPF and L&A heads of account as specified. In case of Transfer Credit vouchers (category ‘D’), the amounts are to be Debited to the Service head and Credited (+) to the Deposit head (if amount is fully transferred to a single head of account) or part amounts credited to all the rest of the destination Heads of account, if amount is distributed to the other heads of account. A simultaneous entry of these details is made in the Nil Payment Register. For Part III impact, for both Debit and Credit, the figures are to be kept separately for each head and are finally shown as Part III Recovery in Classified Abstract and Consolidated Abstract. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 18
Continued… Missing vouchers will not be accounted to the service head to which the voucher relates, as indicated in the Covering Schedule. All missing vouchers will be accounted to OB Suspense. Simultaneous entries will be made in the Objection Book & Adjustment Register after posting of these vouchers. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 19
Posting of GIA vouchers GIA register will be updated at the time of posting of these vouchers. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 20
Posting of WAC and FAC compiled accounts & Settlement Accounts If the Public Works compilation section or the Forest accounts compilation section operate any of the classified service major heads / DDR heads, they have to be appended to the detail books as compiled by the Compilation sections, with the account source as Public Works / Forests, as the case may be. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 21
Continued… Similarly, the AC section of the A.G. operates the classified service heads of account and submits the same in the form of Settlement accounts. These figures have to be appended to the respective Detail Books with the source as ‘ Settlement account’. The monthly CM account figures have to be appended to the respective Detail Books with the source as ‘ CM account’ These figures have to be appended after the totals for the service head payments / receipts are drawn for all external account rendering sources. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 22
Appending of data captured by WAC and FAC sections Introduction If the Public Works compilation section or the Forest accounts compilation section operate any of the service / DDR heads, they have to be appended to the figures booked, to the detail book data store of the head of account, by the Compilation sections, with the account source as Public Works / Forests, as the case may be. These figures have to be appended after the totals for the service head payments / receipts are drawn. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 23
Accounting for 13 th Month Introduction After closure of March final account, there is a concept of March supplementary account which finally closes the annual account. The TEs generated during this period are called Journal entry. Owing to large volume of work in March, data entry of vouchers/challans will be allowed for this 13 th month. However the accounting impact shall be through Journal entries only, the vouchers entered during this period shall be considered for reporting the detailed accounting figures i.e. Consolidated abstract & Broad sheets etc. This will avoid duplication in accounting for 13 th month. Session 19RTI,Allahabad 24
Authorisation & Posting Process (Screens) Authorisation-Voucher, Challan, TE and LOP/CA Posting- Voucher, Challan and TE Screens.doc Session 19RTI,Allahabad 25
Reports Major Reports/Registers of Treasury Accounts generated through VLC system in Uttar Pradesh Reports.doc Session 19RTI,Allahabad 26