The 5 people you meet in heaven The setting – Remember setting includes what 3 things?
Ruby obviously a key setting It is an amusement park, but not a modern day amusement park. It has been around for a long time and the rides have changed over the years. It was built on a pier – and might look something like this……
FREAK SHOWS Heard of these? In the early 20 th century one of the main attractions at amusement parks were ‘freak shows’ – attractions where people with unusual ailments or disabilities were put on display to make a living. Ruby Pier was one of these such parks. A collection of biological rarities. You may find some of the following a little disturbing
Ruby Pier at Eddie’s death Ruby Pier over the course of Eddie’s life has changed. Eddie talks about these changes in the early sections of the novel. Task 1: In your own words, explain what some of these these changes have been. THE WAR Task 2: pages 58 – 96 deal with the second setting of the war. Describe the war setting – the battles, the prison, the coal mines and the barracks.