Legislative Task Force for the Implementation of the Blueprint for Collective Action Developing Delaware’s Strategic Plan to Improve Services and Supports for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders November 18, 2014
Opening Task Force Meeting #3 Senator Margaret Rose Henry Task Force Legislative Chairperson
Eileen Miller “Autism: Where the “randomness of life” collides and clashes with an individual’s need for the sameness-” Author of “The Girl Who Spoke with Pictures: Autism Through Art”
Highlights from the 2 nd Legislative Task Force
Legislative Task Force Meeting #2 HIGHLIGHTS The existing systems of awareness, technical assistance and training are varied in the states that have formal models; these models range from simply awareness activities through anchored professional technical assistance. (Dr. Doehring’s Presentation) It is suggested that at the basic level, Delaware could benefit from a website where people (parents, professionals, etc.) could access information and request contact with someone knowledgeable about autism. There is strong agreement that the proposed Autism Resource Center should be represented by all the areas reflected within the Blueprint to include Health (Public Health), Education, Labor / Vocational Rehabilitation, Developmental Disabilities (DDS) and Parent/Self Advocacy. Once again there was discussion regarding the overall concern for the provision of specialized services / support across the full life span of individuals with ASD
Autism Task Force Developmental Process 1 st Meeting we established a collaborative culture and stated our purpose which concludes with the identification of a Statewide Autism Resource Center Structure and the means to fund it; 2 nd Meeting we are engage in Mess-Finding which includes discovery and idea generation; a review of initiatives in other states. Today’s Meeting we will further refine the parameters of the Resource Center through reviewing the relevant activities of the Blueprint; agreeing to the general concept of collaboration across lifespan areas regarding structure and general purpose. December Meeting the Task Force will agree to the structure of the Autism Resource Center Collaborative; and review the proposals from all the participating agencies regarding the extent to which they can provide fiscal support – this will enable the Task Force to suggest the parameters of needed legislative fiscal support.
10:00 – 10:15Senator Henry Opens the 3 rd Legislative Autism Educational Task Force Highlights from the 2 nd Task Force Meeting Review of Today’s Agenda & Expected Outcomes 10:15 – 10:45Specific Activities from the Blueprint relative to the Autism Resource Center – Annalisa Ekbladh (Center for Disability Studies) 10:45- 11:00Accomplishments To-Date of the Interagency Committee for Autism 11:00 – 11:15Establishing a Collaborative Structure to the Autism Resource Center & Eliciting Support from Task Force Participants (State Agency and Other Representatives) 11:15 – 11:40Public Comments 11:40 – 11:55Summarizing and Next Steps 11:55 – 12:00Last Words – Senator Henry and Representative Jaques Today’s Agenda
Minimize Jargon and Please Don’t Speak in Initials Participate in the Discussion – Be Generous with your Ideas Be present (which means please refrain or limit your use of the internet, text messaging, etc.) Keep Side Bar Conversations to a Minimum Be Very Kind to the Facilitator Start On-Time and End On-Time Shift from admiring problems to solving them Demonstrate Positive Interactive Behavior Group Norms
Blueprint Activities Review by Annalisa Ekbladh
Interagency Committee for Autism What should the role of the ICA in the development and implementation of the Autism Resource Center?
Autism Resource Center Considerations Discussed To-Date Although it would be impractical and cost prohibiting to build a physical structure to the Center, there is a need for a central organizing and administrative entity. The Center for Disabilities Studies and Autism Delaware appear to be the agencies that can join in a collaborative to support the Autism Resource Center since they function across all categories involved in this project (Education, Health Care, Family Support, Adult Services, Employment) Due to the fiscal constraints it appears that the Autism Resource must be supported through agreements with the associated Departments of State so that all areas or categories of the project are represented and the fiscal burden is shared. A small dedication of funds may be necessary from the Legislature which may include the support of developing and implementing an interactive website for awareness activities across the categories / areas of concern.
Blueprint for Collective Action The Autism Resource Center and Associated Functions The autism resource center has been envisioned as a single entity that would be responsible for the implementation of the statewide plan and provide services across systems.’ Moving toward a more COLLABORATIVE STRUCTURE...
Resource Center (Key Elements) Wouldn't’t it be nice if... Components of the Center (Education, Health Care, Family Support, Adult Services, Employment, etc.) Organizational Structure (How does the Center need to be organized?; Should the Center for reflect a Collaborative rather and merely one place?; Who are the members of the Center Team?, etc.) Characteristics or Features of the Center (e.g. Indicators of “evidence- based practice”; Collaborative Structure (How would the Center collaborate with the professional, family, and advocacy organizations)
Who can do what for Health Care? Who can do what for Employment? Who can do what for Education? Who can do what for Adult Services and Independent Living? Who can do what for parent support? Who can do what for Awareness Activities?
Public Comment
Public Meeting Protocols All members of the public wishing to make comment, please adhere to the following protocols: Comments should be initiated by recognition of the facilitator; State and spell your last name for the record; and Please approach and engage in a respectful and concise manner keeping within a 3-minute time frame.
1)Proposals from State and Other Agencies regarding Fiscal and Program Support; 2)What is reasonable to request from the Legislature? 3)Is there agreement on the Collaborative Structure of the Autism Resource Center? and/or Can the ICA meet and report to the Task Force their recommendations?
Task Force Meeting Dates October 21, 2014 November 18, 2014 December 9, 2014 January ?, 2014 January 27, 2015 February 10, 2015 March 10, 2015
Naoki Higashida