SDD TC Face to Face Mtg May Schaumburg, IL
Welcome Thank you, Robert Dickau & Macrovision
Objective n Begin work on SDD specification n We’ve completed the formal requirements l 200+ Use Cases l ~140 Formal requirements n We have two formal contributions to consider l Our work will be to determine how much of the contributions we can use then… l Create the rest. n Beginning work requires us to determine structure of SDD specifications and elect editor(s)
Agenda (Monday) n Monday, May 15 n 12:00 PM CT 15 Minutes - Welcome - Chair n 12:15 5 Minutes - Roll Call, acceptance of last week's minutes - Chair n 12:20 15 Minutes - Meeting location logistics - Dickau n 12:35 15 Minutes - Review of SDD IP policy - Chair n 12:50 25 Minutes - Introduction of submissions, ground rules - Chair n 1:15 90 Minutes - Presentation, Q&A of IBM/Macrovision submission - George n 2:45 15 Minutes - Break n 3:00 90 Minutes - Presentation, Q&A of Fujitsu/GGF submission – Fukui, Kishimoto n 4:30 30 Minutes - Revision of Agenda, scheduling Member responses to submissions
Agenda (Tuesday) n Tuesday, May 16 n 9:00 AM CT 10 minutes - Call to order, ground rules for Member responses to submissions - Chair n 9:10 90 minutes - Member responses to submissions - members n 10:40 15 minutes - break n 11:05 60 minutes - Member responses to submissions - members n 12:05 PM 60 minutes - Lunch n 1:05 45 minutes - Member responses to submissions - members n 1:50 45 minutes - Resolve disposition of submissions - Chair n 2:35 15 minutes - break n 2:50 40 minutes - Resolve Specification(s) structure - Chair n 3:30 10 minutes - Elect Editor(s) - Chair n 3:40 80 minutes - brainstorm on specification content, organization, methodology - Editor(s) n 5:00 15 minutes - break (if brainstorming not complete) or adjourn n 5:15 45 minutes - continue brainstorming if necessary...
Agenda (Tuesday) n Wednesday, May 17 n 9:00 AM CT 5 minutes - Call to order n 9:05 60 minutes - Review Glossary Changes - Kishimoto, Editor(s) n 10:05 55 minutes - Revise Project Plan - Chair, Editor(s) n 11:00 60 minutes - Wrap up, next steps n noon Adjourn
Administrative n Volunteer for note taker n Roll call n Acceptance of minutes May 3 meeting n Meeting Logistics – Robert Dickau
SDD IP Rules n Governed by OASIS RF on Limited Terms n Contributions may come from any members who are registered SDD Members l ie, have signed the OASIS IPR agreement n Contributions must be owned by contributor.
Contribution Ground Rules n The TC can use it or any part of it n The TC is not obligated to use any of it n OASIS can freely republish and post it around without restrictions n Presenters should present their submission so that the TC fully understands what it being contributed at a high level. l Discussion should be limited to clarification of the presentation. We will have time for everyone to comment on submissions tomorrow. n The purpose of submission is to address one or more needs defined in our formal requirements. We will NOT create NEW requirements in this discussion.