CGSIC Introduction and Overview John Wilde International Deputy Chair
Civil GPS Service Interface Committee Established in 1988 Represent civil interests in GPS management and operations decisions Collect information from users for GPS authorities Resolve issues submitted by GPS users
CGSIC Membership and Meetings 700 Members: U.S. Federal, State, Non-U.S., Industry, Universities, 59 Nations Meet once a year in plenary session (ION GNSS) International meetings Europe Asia/Pacific
CGSIC Structure Chair, US DoT ______________________ Mr John Augustine Advisory Group Aviation Land Marine Subcommittee Chairs State General Membership Subcommittees International Timing Surveying, mapping, geosciences U.S. States and Localities Deputy Chair for International Affairs ______________________ Mr John Wilde Deputy Chair, USCG NAVCEN ______________________ Capt Matt Blizard Executive Secretariat ______________________ Ms Rebecca Casswell
International Sub- Committee Chair – Professor Terry Moore,UK Deputy Chairs Asia – Mr Hiroshi Nishiguchi, Japan Australia and Pacific Islands- Mr Keith McPherson, Australia Europe – Dr Georg Weber, Germany North America – Mr Mike Swiek
Information Distribution Information distribution through website, listserver, and regional meetings. Listserver distribution of GPS and radionavigation updates and announcements
NEXT MEETING 46 th meeting (20 year anniversary) 25 th & 26 th September 2006 Dallas Forth Worth, Texas, US Attached to ION GNSS 2006
NEXT MEETING AGENDA Day 1 (25 th September) Policy Status Augmentations Current Issues Day 2 (26 th September) Sub-committee meetings
ICWG MEETING GPS III REQUIREMENTS Day 1 of CGSIC (25 th September) User input on GPS III L1C IS-GPS-800 Specification