International Telecommunication Union Preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) Philippe Aubineau Counsellor, ITU-R Study Groups, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU 1 st Meeting of the CEPT/ECC Conference Preparatory Group for WRC – 18 Apr. 2012, Mainz, Germany
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 2 CPM:Conference Preparatory Meeting Rec:ITU-R Recommendation RoP:Rules of Procedure RR:Radio Regulations (treaty status) WRC SC and Study Groups: SG-1: Spectrum management SG-3: Radiowave propagation SG-4: Satellite services SG-5: Terrestrial services SG-6: Broadcasting service SG-7: Science services CPM-2 RRB:Radio Regulations Board SGs:Radiocommunication Study Groups SC: Special Committee (Regulat. & Procedural) RA:Radiocommunication Assembly WRC:World Radiocommunication Conference RoP Radiocommunication Bureau Director RRB Final Acts Revisions to the Radio Regulations Next WRC Agenda WRC Resolu- tion CPM-1 RA Adopted by ITU Council ITU Member States CPM Report Rec The WRC Cycle
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 3 3 WRC Regional preparation Resolution 72 (Rev.WRC ‑ 07) Proposals Coordinated common proposals Member States CPM Report Final Acts Informal Group (Structure & Chairmanship) Proposals Director’s Report Agenda: in WRC Res, finalized in Council Res Radio Regulations (CS89) Conference Secretariat (BR & GS) RA The WRC Process
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 4 3060 Participants 163 M ember S tates (165 represented) 1 R es.99 O bserver 102 O bservers Some statistics on WRC-12 1615 Documents 2992 MS Proposals ~ ½ of common proposals 153 signatures of the Prov. Final Acts 119 Declarations
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 5 Main Steps towards WRC-15 WRC-12 : WRC-15 Agenda - Resolution 807 (WRC-12) Final meetings of regional groups Member States’ proposals to WRC-15 2 nd Session Conference Preparatory Meeting CPM15-2 [1 st Quarter of 2015] Council: Finalize the WRC-15 Agenda 1 st Session Conference Preparatory Meeting CPM15-1 : 20 – 21 Feb. 2012; of
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 6 ~ 2.5 years of studies Tentative Timetable towards WRC-15 Situation as of today
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 7 First Session of CPM-15 Scope defined in Resolution ITU-R 2-6 Resolution ITU-R 2-6 Geneva, February 2012 (234 participants, 66 MS, 28 SM, 20 contributions) results published in CA/201, of 19 March 2012 ( Define framework of preparatory studies and Structure of the CPM Report (Chapter Rapporteurs) (proposed detailed structure at: referred to in Annex 11 to CA/201) Nominate responsible ITU-R Groups for each WRC-15 Agenda Item, in addition to the SC 8 existing Working Parties and JTG (ai 1.1&1.2, ToR in Annex 10 of CA/201 ) and concerned (contributing / interested) ITU-R groups (see Annexes 8 and 9 to CA/201)CA/201
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 8 CPM-15 Chairman & Vice-Chairmen Chairman Mr. A. ZOURMBA (CME), Vice-Chairmen, CPM Mr M. AL-MUATHEN Mr G. FELDHAKE (USA), Dr. S. M. SHARMA (IND), Mr. N. VARLAMOV (RUS), ; Dr. K.-J. WEE (KOR), (see details at )
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 9 JTG (WRC-15 ai 1.1 & 1.2) See CPM15-1 Decision in Annex 10 to CA/201 webpage: Develop draft CPM texts for Agenda items 1.1 & 1.2 and Submit them directly to the CPM-15 Process Consider -results of WP 5D studies on Mobile Service spectrum requirements, including suitable frequency ranges; -results of concerned Working Parties studies on specific requirements of other services (technical, operational characteristics, spectrum requirements, performance objectives, protection) to be submitted to JTG before a) 31 Dec for studies on ai 1.2 (Res. 232 (WRC-12)) b) 31 July 2013 for studies on ai 1.1 (Res. 233 (WRC-12)) May develop draft ITU-R Recommendations or Reports for adoption by relevant Study Group as per Res. ITU-R 1-6 Meetings to be held not in parallel but adjacent to and co-located with meetings of concerned Working Parties Chairman: Mr. T. Ewers (D),
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany Mobile and Amateur issues 2. Science issues 3. Aeronautical, Maritime and Radiolocation issues 4. Satellite services 4.1 Fixed-satellite service 4.2 Mobile-satellite service 5. Satellite regulatory issues 6. General issues CPM Report – Table of contents Chapters of CPM Report WRC-15 Agenda items 2, 4, 9.1.4, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, , 1.2, 1.3, , 1.12, 1.13, , 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, , 1.7, 1.8, , , 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.5, 9.1.8, 9.3 (see details in Annexes 6 and 7 to CA/201)CA/201
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 11 CPM Report – Chapter Rapporteurs ChaptersRapporteurs 1. Mobile and Amateur issues - Agenda items 1.1 and 1.2 Ms C. COOK (CAN), - Agenda items 1.3 and 1.4 Mr Ch. GLASS (USA), 2. Science issues Mr A. VASSILIEV (RUS), 3. Aeronautical, Maritime and Radiolocation issues Mr M. WEBER (D), 4. Satellite services 4.1- Fixed-satellite service Mr X. GAO (CHN), Mobile-satellite service Mr M.A. NAZARI (IRN), 5. Satellite regulatory issues Mr K. AL-AWADHI (UAE), 6. General issues Mr P.N. NGIGE (KEN), (see details in Annex 13 to CA/201)CA/201
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 12 Structure of the draft CPM texts for an agenda item in a given chapter Chapter N Agenda Item 1.XY [Relevant WRC Resolutions if any] N/1.XY/1Executive Summary* N/1.XY/2Background* N/1.XY/3Summary of technical and operational studies, including a list of relevant ITU-R Recommendations N/1.XY/4Analysis of the results of studies** N/1.XY/5Method(s) to satisfy the Agenda Item** N/1.XY/6Regulatory and procedural considerations (see the Proposed detailed Structure for the Draft CPM Report to WRC-15 at: * Not more than half a page of text** Not applicable to WRC-15 Agenda item 9 (see Annexes 5 and 11 to CA/201)CA/201
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 13 WP 4A 9.1.4* WP 1B WP 4C 9.1.2* WP 5A 1.3 WP 5B WP 7B WP 7C 1.12 JTG SC 7* *9.1.5* * WP 7A 1.14 * Relevant part Responsible ITU-R Groups Agenda items & Resp. Groups 2, 4, 10 CPM15-2
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 14 CPM Report Preparation WP 4A WRC-15 (agenda items) CPM15-2 CPM Management Team Meeting WP 1B WP 4C WP 5A 1.3 WP 5B WP 7B WP 7C 1.12 JTG SC 7 Technical and regulatory aspects Chapter 1 (draft texts) Chapter 2 (draft texts) Chapter 3 (draft texts) Chapter 4 (draft texts) Chapter 5 (draft texts) Chapter 6 (draft texts) CPM Report to WRC-15 SC Responsible ITU-R Groups Draft CPM Report Regulatory and procedural aspects * * WP 7A 1.14 * Relevant part 2 CPM
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 15 WP 4A WRC-15 (agenda items) WP 1B WP 4C WP 5A 1.3 WP 5B WP 7B WP 7C 1.12 JTG Technical and regulatory aspects Responsible ITU-R Groups * WP 7A 1.14 * Relevant part 1.18* 6 – 13 June May – 6 June – 29 May – 31 May May – 1 June 12 [17 – 21 Sep. 12] 23 – 27 July 12 Next Meetings of Resp. Groups (see the ITU-R Meetings schedule at )
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany Agenda item 9.1 Issues (1/2) Protection of the systems operating in the MSS in the band MHz – Res. 205 (Rev.WRC-12) Studies on possible reduction of the coordination arc and technical criteria used in application of No in respect of coordination under No. 9.7 – Res. 756 (WRC-12) Use of satellite orbital positions and associated frequency spectrum to deliver international public telecommunication services in developing countries – Res. 11 (WRC-12) Updating and rearrangement of the Radio Regulations – Res. 67 (WRC-12)
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany Consideration of technical and regulatory actions … to support existing and future operation of FSS earth stations within the band GHz, as an aid to the safe operation of aircraft and reliable distribution of meteorological information in some countries in Reg. 1 – Res. 154 (WRC-12) Studies towards review of the definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station – Res. 957 (WRC-12) Spectrum management guidelines for emergency and disaster relief radiocommunication – Res. 647 (Rev. WRC-12) Regulatory aspects for nano- and picosatellites – Res. 757 [COM6/10] (WRC-12) Agenda item 9.1 Issues (2/2)
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 18 Other studies from RA-12 RA-12 approved a number of revised ITU-R Resolutions to continue studies on the following topics in particular: -IMT (Res. ITU-R 17-4, 47-2, 50-2, 57-1) -Worldwide DB of terrain height & surface features (Res. ITU-R 40-3) -Harmonization of Short Range Devices (Res. ITU-R 54-1) RA-12 approved also new ITU-R Resolutions to carry out studies on the following topics in particular: -Cognitive Radio Systems (Res. ITU-R 58) -Electronic News Gathering systems (Res. ITU-R 59) -Reduction of energy consumption (Res. ITU-R 60)
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 19 Preparation pursuant to Resolution 72 (Rev. WRC-07) Six main regional groups: For the preparation of common and coordinated proposals WRC Regional Preparation (1/2)
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 20 Regional group meetings: [ 1st meeting, TBD] CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany [1 st meeting, TBD] Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications Asia Pacific Telecommunity African Telecommunications Union European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations Inter-American Telecommunication Commission [ 1st meeting, TBD] WRC Regional Preparation (2/2)
CPG15-1, 16 – 18 April 2012, Mainz, Germany 21 To be scheduled at end of the ITU-R Block of meetings Presentation and review of the on-going preparatory studies of the ITU-R responsible groups for CPM-15 Presentation of the organization, preliminary views, draft priorities and positions of the regional groups To be scheduled few months prior to CPM15-2 Presentation of the Draft CPM Report to WRC-15 (explanation of the draft Methods to satisfy the WRC-15 Agenda items) Presentation and review of the regional groups’ draft views, positions and common proposals [2 nd Meeting, Q4 of 2014] To be scheduled few months prior to WRC-15 Presentation of the CPM & Dir. Reports to WRC-15 Presentation and review of the regional groups’ draft views, positions and common proposals [ITU Workshops] on WRC-15 Preparation [3 rd Meeting Q3 of 2015] [1 st Meeting, Q4 of 2013]