Lecturer: IVA PLANINŠEK-ČIKARA Office hours: Tuesday 14: :00 Room: 10 Contact information
Timetable GROUP 1_5 LOS - MOR Lecture: Tuesday 12:00 -13:30 dv. 25 Seminars: Wednesday 14:00 -15:30 dv.11 LOS-MAR Wednesday 15:40 –17:10 dv.11 MAS-MOR
“ NADOKNADA” FOR THE WEEK 22 nd, 23 rd LECTURE Monday, 14 th March 14:00 – 15:30 dv. 6 SEMINARS LOS - MAR Friday, 18 th March 10:00 – 11:30 dv. 4 MAS - MOR Friday, 18 th March 11:40 – 13:10 dv. 4
REQUIRED LITERATURE MacKenzie, I. (2010) English for Business Studies, CUP Business English Resource Bank 2 ( ) Print it out by next time! LINK:
COURSE REQUIREMENTS R egular attendance ( 6 missed classes possible ) A ctive in-class participation (home assignments, participation in discussions) 5% added to the progress test score ) Organise and role-play a business meeting passing progress tests or final exam.
1) PROGRESS TESTING - BEFORE REGULAR EXAM DATES For the signature : r egular attendance b usiness meeting For the grade : regular attendance business meeting active in-class participation home - assignements 2 progress tests oral exam
2) REGULAR EXAM DATES For the signature: regular attendance b usiness meeting For the grade: regular attendance business meeting final comprehensive written test (regular exam period) final comprehensive oral exam (regular exam perio d)
MEETINGS 4-5 students ( stay in presentation groups ) L asts 15 minutes B ook your slot ( from 7 th March - timetable on the pinboard of office 10) Pick up your meeting topic at staff room 10 Prepare the meeting, agenda, minutes and roles Hand in the agenda and minutes on the day of the meeting. Use class input (RB 2) on the structure and language of meetings Rehearse your role alone and with your team
What is going to be assesed : L anguage ( use of target expressions and business terms, each participant 5 meeting expressions ) + appropriate style ( downtoning, level of formal language )+ ( grammar and pronounciation ) Structure ( beginning, body, conclusion ) Content ( your role - well prepared short presentation of the problem ) Professional manner ( conduct during the meeting, communication with other participants, eye - contact ) NO NOTES DURING THE MEETINGS !!! LEARN YOR ROLE BY HEART !!!
Topics to discuss on meetings The purpose of meetings/ effective meetings Key words/ key participants The structure of meetings The language of meetings Downtoning Key documents for meetings: memo, agenda, minutes
Wh y are business meetings usually held ? What are the typical problems associated with meetings ? How could these be solved in meetings? What makes meetings effective?
Key terms Agenda AOB Item Venue Chairperson Minutes Minute-taker T he last item on the agenda A place where the meeting is held O ne subject or issue discussed in the meeting A person who writes down the things said and decided at the meeting A list of subjects to be discussed in the meeting A person who is in charge of the meeting A n official written record of what is said and decided at the meeting
Key partnerships Call Schedule a _________ Put off Postpone
C irculate T ake D raw up the _________ S end out
Watch: m m
Replace the Croatian words with their English translation
THE STRUCTURE OF THE MEETING OPENING Start the meeting Welcome the participants Introduce everyone State the objective of the meeting Go through the agenda Say when the meeting will finsh
BODY Ask for opinion State an opinion Comment on opinion Agree or disagree Ask for clarification Interrupt Express doubt Make a suggestion Check understanding Keep to the agenda Vote
CONCLUSION Conclude the main points Summerize Emphasise action points Close the meeting
Which part of the meeting is the chairperson most involved in ? Opening ? Body ? Conclusion ?
THE LANGUAGE OF THE MEETING Sort out the following meeting phrases into one of the structural parts of the meeting. OPENING BODY CONCLUSION
LANGUAGE OF THE MEETING Sort out the following phrases into the appropriate place. OPENING BODY CONCLUSION I would like to welcome you on behalf of the management board. Excuse me, may I interrupt ? So, to sum up.. T here are three items on the agenda. Let’s now move on to the next item on the agenda. So, Ann, can you write the report ? Kate, can you take the minutes, please ? Could you be more specific about...? This is John. He is in charge of..... In my opinion... The meeting is due to finish by.... Let’s go over the main points again. We’ve got a very tight agenda, so we’d better get down to business. Let’s put this to a vote. Everyone in favour of this proposal ? Against ?
DOWNTONING “ Don’t be late next time or I’ll fire you. ” “ You prices are too high ! ” “ You must complete this report until tomorrow morning. ” “ You always make mistakes ! ” DISCUSS : What are the implications of agressive language for a business deal or for the communication within a department ?
In order to be an effective communicator you should know how to soften your points an sound less agressive and confrontational.
USE : we / let‘ s perhaps / maybe a bit / just / a little / slightly would / could / may / might Please I’m afraid... “ Not” as a modifier
Avoid : “ You must reduce the price”. Instead soften your point by using : 1 LET’S Let’s reconsider the price, shall we ? 2 WE We could reduce the price. 3 PERHAPS / MAYBE Perhaps we could reduce the price.
4 A BIT / SLIGHTLY / JUST / A LITTLE The price is a bit too high, don’t you think ? The price is slightly too high. The price is just too high. The price is a little too high. 5 I’M AFRAID / IT WOULDN’T OR WON’T BE BAD / COULD / MIGHT / WOULD We’re afraid the price is too high for us. It wouldn’t be bad if the price is lower.
I wonder if you could reduce the price. The price may / might be too high for us. Would it be possible to reduce the price ?
Rewrite the following sentences by using the words and phrases in the brackets. We won’t give you a discount. ( not able ) You must finish the report ! ( please ) Your prices are way too high. ( a little bit ) These figures are false ! ( not ) He is not available. ( afraid ) So, we’ll find another buyer ! ( perhaps )
Suggesting, advising and proposing A : We are relocating our head office to the USA : B : But you haven’t consulted anyone. I suggest that we consult the Board first. I suggest that we should consult the Board first. I suggest consulting the Board first. Shall we consult the Board first ? Why don’t we consult the Board first ? I advise consulting the Board first. I advise you to consult the Board first. I propose consulting the Board. I propose that you consult the Board first.
Translate the following into English. Predlažem da povisimo cijene. Predlažem izvoz u Italiju. Predlažem Johna. Predlažem da ti vodiš zapisnik. Predlažem da IT odjel preseli u novi ured.
MEMO, AGENDA and MINUTES P age in your RB