Relative Pronoun
case masc fem neut masc fem neut Nom quī quae quod quī quae Gen cuius qu ō rumqu ā rum qu ō rum Dat cui quibus Acc quemquam quod quōs quās quae Abl quō quā quōquibus SingularPlural
case masc fem neut Nom quī quae Gen quōrumquārum quōrum Datquibus Acc quōs quās quae Ablquibus PluralEnglish who, which, that whose, of whom, of which to whom, for whom whom, which by/from/with whom by/from/with which
Antecedent Antecedent – word to which relative pronoun refers Elephantumne qui aquam bibebat vidisti? relative pronoun gets gender and number from antecedent
Antecedent Antecedent – word to which relative pronoun refers Elephantumne qui aquam bibebat vidisti? relative pronoun gets gender and number from antecedent elephantus, elephanti = masc. singular Did you see the elephant that was drinking water?
Relative Clause Relative Clause – usually begins with relative pronoun and ends with verb relative pronoun’s case is determined by its use in the clause
Puerī, quōs in viā vides, meī amicī nōn sunt.
The boys, whom you see in the road, are not my friends.
Viam quā vēnimus laudabam.
I was praising the road by which we came.
Me īs amicīs, ā quibus semper amabar, magnam amicitiam donavī.
I gave great friendship to my friends, by whom I was always loved.
Relative Pronoun Review 1) What’s an antecedent? 2)What characteristics does a relative pronoun get from its antecedent? 3)How do you get the case of a relative pronoun? 4)Isn’t this fun?!