Chapter 14 Relative Pronouns
Pronouns 1 st and 2nd Person Personal Pronouns Ego, meī ; Tū, Tuī I, me, you, y’all 3 rd Person Personal Pronouns Is, eius; ea, eius; id, eius She, he, it First and 2 nd Person Possessive Adjectives Meus, Tuus My, your, our Relative Prounouns Qu ī, quae, quod Who, which, that
Relative Clauses Clause-long modifiers like adjectives and prepositional phrases What makes them special is that they are a whole clause long Adjective: I saw a three-legged dog. Prep. Phrase: I saw a dog with three legs. Relative Clause: I saw a dog that had three legs. Canem quī tria crura habēbat vīdī.
Relative Clauses I saw a dog (canem vīdī ) is the main clause. The relative clause tells us what kind of dog I saw. For a clause to be a clause it has to have a subject and a predicate. Canem vīdī. Canis tria crura habēba t. To make these one sentence you would replace one of the dogs with a pronoun. Quem vīdī Qu ī tria crura habēbat. Which one works? Can you make a full sentence?
Rules A relative pronoun takes its gender and number from its antecedent (the word it modifies) A relative pronoun takes its case from its own function in its own clause.
MasculineFeminineNeuter Nominativ e QuīquaeQuod GenitiveCūiuscūius Dativecui Accusativequemquamquod Ablativequōquāquō MasculineFeminineNeuter Nominativ e Quīquae Genitivequōrumquārumquōrum Dativequibus AccusativequōsQuāsquae Ablativequibus
Working with a partner… Find three relative clauses in the Latin Reading passage and translate (these three clauses can NOT be the ones from the Language Fact III section) Give the reason for the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun. Write this down. I will pick this up for a grade.
Propter odium tamen, quod erat inter eōrum parentēs, Pȳramus et Thisbē ūnā esse nōn poterant. Parietī, quī eōs sēparābat, verba saepe dīcēbant. Pȳramus venit et videt vēlāmen, in quō sanguis cōnspicitur.
Replace the English Relative pronoun with the Latin. The students who used to go to the movie prefer to stay home. Qui The fight (pugna f.), in which Billy fought, ended in 3 minutes. Quā Haley, whom Jessica hates, wrote Josh and Brandon a note. Quam Ben II and Rob, to whom Ms. Pittman gave permission to do extra work, were excited. quōs
Replace the English Relative pronoun with the Latin. Keep your hands (manus, f), which the dog licked, away from my food. Quam
Diagram this sentences. Explain the relative pronoun. P ō ma, quae erant alba, mox erunt rubra. Poma- Nomative, Plural, Neuter Relative clause: Quae- Nomative, Plural, Neuter Erant- Imperfect, Active, Indicative, 3 rd Person, Plural Alba- Nominative, Plural, Neuter Back to Main sentence: Mox- Adverb Erunt- Future, Active, Indicitive, 3 rd Person, Plural Rubra- Nominative, Plural, Neuter
Put these two sentences together to make a sentence that is modified with a relative clause. Thisbē leanam videt. Thisbē fugit. Thisbē, quae laeanam videt, fugit. Leaena appropinquābit ad puellam. Puella exsectābit. Leaena appropinquābit ad puellam, quae exspectābit. Pȳramus et Thisbē nōn amābat parietem. Pariete separābantur. Pȳramus et Thisbē non amābat parietem, quō separābantur. Thisbe kills herself. With the sword Pyramus kills himself. Tisbē sē occīdit gladiō, quō Pȳramus sē occīdit.