Courage Ometz Lev אֹמֶץ לֵב © Behrman House/Babaganewz
Courage אֹמֶץ לֵב Courage is having the ability to stand up for what’s right, to fight for those in need, to be confident in your task, and strong in your mission. Translated from Hebrew, it literally means, “brave heart.” © Behrman House/Babaganewz
How Are You Courageous? Have you ever chosen to do something that was very difficult for you to do, but in the end made you a stronger person? What was it? What are some of your convictions for which you stand up? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
“Behold! God is my salvation; I shall trust and not fear.” (Isaiah 12:2 and Havdalah) What does “God is my salvation” mean? How does trusting in God give a person courage? Does having courage always mean you are not afraid? Why is the end of Shabbat (Havdalah) an appropriate time to reaffirm our recognition of God’s protection over us? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
“…You are about to fight with your enemy. Let not your courage falter. Do not be in fear, or in panic, or in dread of them. For it is God, your God, who marches with you to fight for you against your enemy, to bring you victory.” (Devarim 20:3-4) Why is it scary to confront an enemy? What are different things that victory can mean in different conflicts? Why is it important not to panic or fear? What is the source of courage in this text? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
“I will go to the king, though it is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.” (Megillat Esther 4:16) Who says this, and under what circumstances? Does Esther’s faith give her courage, or is she acting on faith despite misgivings? Jews throughout history have had to stand up and fight or lose everything. Is this being courageous, or just being strong? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
“In a place where there are no people, strive to be a person.” (Pirkei Avot 2:6) This text is not talking about an empty room. What, then, do you think “a place with no people” means? What would that place look like? According to this text, how would you define “person”? What qualities does this person possess? Why does the text say “strive to be a person” rather than just “be a person”? Can you think of examples in which this text would apply? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
What do each of these pictures remind you about courage? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
Cowardly Lion © Behrman House/Babaganewz
Cowardly Lion How does Dorothy show courage? Why does courage matter to the lion? Where is the lion looking for courage? Is he looking in the right place? © Behrman House/Babaganewz
Creating Courage Write a letter to a friend, family member, or even yourself, encouraging them in something that may be hard for them. Think about how important it is to have faith and trust. How can you help give someone the confidence and faith to be courageous? © Behrman House/Babaganewz