An experimental perspective on very high-energy colliders Alan Barr.


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Presentation transcript:

An experimental perspective on very high-energy colliders Alan Barr

Experimentalists at a collider

It’s great having a big programme…

Strong interactions Non-perterbative Perturbative Gluon PDF with unprecedented accuracy Multiple consistent measurements of  s

Weak interactions 3.6  evidence for electroweak W ± W ± scattering

Exotic hadrons Strong dynamics Flavour

Searching for surprises

The world’s attention…

H(125) discovery & more… Spin Parity Mass SM Couplings Uniqueness Naturalness Exotic Couplings Self Couplings

EPS Conference, 2013

What’s next? EPS Conference, 2013

Walker, ICHEP, July 2014 The high energy future

e + e ‑ Linear Colliders HE e + e ‑ Storage Rings The high energy future

e + e ‑ Linear Colliders HE e + e ‑ Storage Rings HE pp Colliders The high energy future

Making a statement A bigger collider?

Pillars of a “100 TeV” pp machine Dark Matter Naturalness Vacuum potential Flavour Proton structure Boosted objects Weak bosons in jets Strongly coupled matter Precision Higgs tests Physics above the EW phase transition Precision top physics

Savas Dimopoulus, CFHEP, 1 st workshop Naturalness

Naturalness – an experimental perspective

Dark Matter

The advantages of energy Liantao Wang, 1st CFHEP Symposium on circular collider physics, Feb. 24, 2014

Bino-like points? Not uncommon, and hard  Experimental challenge (i.e. GOOD!)

Matthew Low and Lian-Tao Wang Dominated by systematic error of background  Challenge to experimentalists Higgsino Wino 1 – 2 % systematic GOOD!

Vacuum potential The VACUUM is a region of space filled with HIGGS FIELD

Vacuum potential  SM (14 TeV) ~ 34 fb AJB et al. 3/ab Phys. Lett. B 728 (2014) 308 V. Barger et al hhh coupling LHC Phys. Lett. B 728 (2014) 433. D. E. Ferreira de Lima et al. Review: Baglio, arXiv: (HL-LHC)

Some extra energy helps a lot Baglio et al, arXiv: Review: Baglio,

We love making difficult things

For technologies, see also Phil Allport, ICHEP 2014ICHEP 2014 FCC CERN, 27 May 2014 First thoughts on a detector for a 100 TeV machine

Magnets… See also Phil Allport, ICHEP 2014 Herman ten Kate FCC CERN, 27 May 2014

Tracker… Rad-hard CMOS could revolutionise tracker technology STAR CMOS Tracker

Calorimeter… HCAL deep enough to prevent punch-through Clement Helsens, Steinar Stapnes: FCC workshop, CERN, May 2014 Tracking ECAL ΔE/E ~ 16%/√E ⊕ 1.1% ΔE/E ~ 35-60%/√E ⊕ 3%

Dedicated detectors Fixed target? Forward? Late decaying? Beam dump?

Conclusion Particle physics needs a strong vision for the future A very high energy hadron- hadron collider is extremely compelling – Naturalness – Dark Matter – Vacuum potential Such a machine will certainly lead the world – And educate a large number of very happy experimentalists