Welcoming Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene Adult Religious Education
Chalice Lighting “You Were Made For This” by ~~Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Christine Santoro - Katy Siepert –
Introductions Name Preferred personal pronoun Thoughts from last time?
Ground Rules We ask that you stay engaged We want to hear from you, but it is safe to pass if needed Expect to Experience Discomfort Speak your Truth Expect and Accept a Lack of Closure Take care of your self and your needs Begin and end on time. Class begins at 7:00 and goes until 9:00
“Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past threatens the future “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.” Maya Angelou
What is the story of your name?
What did you learn about each other that you didn’t know before? What did you notice as people were sharing their stories?
Give One Up
- What was it like for you to have to give things up about yourself? Was it easy to choose? Difficult? Why?
NBC Nightly News Assimilation – what’s in a name? news/
“Racism is the day-to-day wearing down of the spirit. Anti-racism is the day-to-day goin’ after the little things.” - Oprah Winfrey
“Where I’m From” George Ella Lyon: Hl_yW1dQ
For next time: Implicit Association video explanation: BSeKU2qJoI BSeKU2qJoI Implicit Association website: ectatest.html ectatest.html
“I am in no way optimistic, but I remain a prisoner of hope.” - Cornel West
Thank you for coming! Next session: February 17, 7-9:00