Welcome to Social Studies 6 th Grade World History Teacher: Ms. Gingold
Please Sign In Please sign in on the sheet going around, before you leave. Include your child’s name, the best phone number for me to reach you at and your address! *Conference Request- Please for a conference request or for all teachers Thank you!
Text My World History- Pearson Use Google Chrome to access! Text book codes have been provided, as well as the website to access the book (stapled in the front or back of your child’s agenda)
Some Topics We Will Cover This Year Include: Geography Intro. Maya, Inca, Aztec Early River Valley Civilizations Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Ancient Africa Ancient China
Daily Supply List (on Syllabus) -spiral notebook with holes and pockets -lined paper -handheld pencil sharpener (with catcher for shavings) -note cards -highlighters -colored pencils -small plastic baggies or rubber bands -glue sticks
Social Studies Dept. Grading Scale HW/CW= 20% Tests= 35% Quizzes= 20% Projects/Papers/Novels= 25%
6 th Grade Social Studies Policies Plagiarism/ Cheating = 0 and 1 Behavior with no make up opportunity Late work may be turned in one class after it is due for ½ credit. After that it will not be accepted.
Class Rules Be respectful of others when sharing ideas. Do not speak without raising your hand and being called on. Stay on task. Bring all supplies and homework to class every day. Write your homework in your agenda- 1 st thing, when you enter classroom every day. Be ready to learn and have fun! =-)
Somerset School Rules No gum Electronic Devices/ Cell Phones Off & In backpack at all times during school hours Respect others Backpacks on floor Uniform Policy *These rules & more information will be included in the Parent/ Student Handbook.
A book that is middle/high school age appropriate on any of the following topics: Here are some ideas, but you may be creative. Anything helps! Geography/ World Atlas Maya, Inca, Aztec- contributions of the civilizations Early River Valley Civilizations Ancient Egypt- pyramids, pharaohs, sphinx, etc. Ancient Greece- Greek Mythology, Alexander the Great, Crete, Mycenae, etc. Ancient Rome- Roman Mythology Ancient Africa- Art, Civilization, etc. Ancient China- contributions of the civilization Any of the following items are greatly appreciated: -Gift Cards to: Target, Walmart or Amazon- These will be used to purchase supplies we run out of throughout the year. -Mini-fridge (used or new) -Bookcase(s)/ Hutch or cabinets for storage
Contact Information Teacher Contact: Room: 132