Chapter 1: Kinesiology There is two major divisions of the Human Body. I.The Axial Body-This is basically the Head, Neck, and Trunk of the body. II.The Appendicular Body-This is the appendages that are added onto the axial body.
Appendicular Body 1. The Upper Extremity- This is the upper body that contains the following parts. – A. Shoulder girdle(Scapula and Clavicle) – B. Arm – C. Forearm – D. Hand 2.The lower extremity- This contains the following body parts. A.Pelvis-pelvic girdle B.Thigh C.Leg D.Foot
A note about the Pelvis Often times you will see the pelvis included in the Axial body. It is in fact a transitional body part that belongs to each group. We will consider it part of the appendicular.
Important Vocabulary in Kinesiology Anterior-refers to front Posterior –refers to back Lateral –refers to side. When we refer to a specific view this is the terminology we will be using.
The Main Body Parts: Definition of a body part- any part of the body that can move independently of another body part that is next to it. -It is typically a bone or a couple of bones that define the body parts. Example: The humerus defines the arm: the radius and ulna define the forearm.
There are 11 major body parts in the Human Body 1.Head(axial)8. Shoulder Girdle 2. Neck(axial)9. Arm 3. Trunk(axial)10. Forearm 4. Pelvis(low ex)11. Hand 5. Thigh (low ex) 6. Leg (Low Ex) 7. Foot( Low Ex)
To Understand and Define Movement you must distinguish body parts. The thigh is not part of the leg in our terminology. The thigh is between the hip joint and the knee joint. The leg is between the knee joint and the ankle joint.
What is a Joint? A joint is what separates one body part from another. The joint is located between two adjacent body parts.
We will begin to define Movement with Terms. What you need to know first: A general rule when discussing movement: -When we talk about a body part moving we are talking about its movement in relations to an adjacent body part. - This movement would occur at a joint. Example: A thigh moving is relative to the pelvis. It is the HIP Joint that is moving.
How to name a movement? 1. Name the body part that is actually doing the moving. 2. Name the joint where the movement is taking place.
Other things to consider when naming movement. Is the particular body part actually moving ……..or is it just going along for the ride? *For it to be considered true movement, the body part moving must move relative to the adjacent body part. Example: You could say the foot Moved and really it is the hip. The Foot “went along for the ride”